
Angel Adventure

The Picture Page

Adventure  Adventure
Angels  Angels
Participate  Participate
Pictures  Pictures

What would any adventure be without the photographic memories? Here are just a few of the pictorial highlights of the walks:

Note: Year 2001 pictures may be found by taking this link.

The Adventurers - 2000 (46K) The Adventurers - 1999 (44K)
Survivors 98The Survivors with Harris Barton - 1998 (52K) 98 Top FundraiserTop Fundraiser - 1998 (45K)
Ferry San Francisco SideFerry -San Francisco Side - 1998 (25K) 98 WalkersThe Adventurers - 1998 (57K)
SurvivorsThe Survivors with Harris Barton - 1997 (65K) Tamalpais High & Jan YanahiroTamalpais High & Jan Yanahiro - 1997 (45K)
VolunteersVolunteers at the Registration Table - 1997 (48K) Tamalpais HighThe Tamalpais High Football Team - 1997 (33K)
Opening CeremoniesOpening Ceremonies - 1997 (33K) The Walk BeginsThe Walk Begins - 1997 (39K)
Harris and the kidsHarris and the kids - 1997 (28K) RecognitionRecognition - 1997 (27K)
the ViewView of San Francisco Bay - 1997 (40K) View of the IslandView of Angel Island - 1997 (32K)
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