
Angel Adventure

The National Brain Tumor Foundation

Adventure  Adventure
Angels  Angels
Participate  Participate
Pictures  Pictures

About the National Brain Tumor Foundation: 
The National Brain Tumor Foundation (NBTF) was founded in 1981 as a nonprofit, voluntary health organization by people whose lives had been affected by brain tumor disease. The Foundation supports vital research that seeks ways to prevent, cure and treat brain tumors.

Formed as a distinctive partnership between medical professionals, patients, and families, the NBTF also provides patient education, information and other services. Services provided include the publication Brain Tumors: A Guide, a 60-page booklet of information on brain tumor disease and treatment options; a quarterly newsletter, Search, which explores a variety of subjects of concern to the brain tumor population in the United States; a network of support groups across the country and a toll-free information line where patients can access the latest information.

For further information about this worthy organization, please follow this link: National Brain Tumor Foundation



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