![]() ![]() This fountain is surrounded by faces of goodwill, friendly creatures who appear to be awaiting wishes from seekers. Unlike other wishing wells - there is no coin to be tossed, not even a "cookie". To make your wish, simply click on the "wish" link and fill out the form.
Note: EarlyLight does not assume responsibility for content of the wishes.
It is with deep regret that we must disable this feature of the site. We've been inundated with guestbook-spammers posting links to material we just cannot support. To those who visit these pages with intent to wish: Blessings. Cob - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 04:56:35 (GMT) I wish that for the rest of my college career I make noting less that an A in all of my classes in the the Spring of 2007 I am able to go through the process and pledge the sorority that is in my heart. Rosalind - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 14:34:56 (GMT) I wish that DJC and I would get back together and have a long lasting, honest, loyal relationship. Rosalind - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 14:28:54 (GMT) You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it. Michael Green <Michael Green> Springfield, NY USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 04:18:56 (GMT) I wish I could meet the Murphy family of Southborough,Ma.I Lost my brother 111/2 years ago at the age of 27.I wish that my dad would work on his days off. Michael J.Wolfe <MJWOL29@Verizon.net> Canton , Ma United States - Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 23:12:02 (GMT) I wish I could meet the Murphy family of Southborough,Ma.I Lost my brother 111/2 years ago at the age of 27.I wish that my dad would work on his days off. Michael J.Wolfe <MJWOL29@Verizon.net> Canton , Ma United States - Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 23:11:49 (GMT) I wish I had a girlfriend Digby Sharp <sharpd532192003@yahoo.com> Milwaukee, wi United states - Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 20:57:11 (GMT) does it really come true? well i wish to be lucky mille <senyorito_ni_prinsesa@yahoo.com> malabon, philipppines - Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 03:28:27 (GMT) I wish for C.C.H. and I to get back together as soon as possible. Adela Toronto, - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 23:12:42 (GMT) IT WORKED!! I wish C.C.H. would come back and spend the night, and consider going back out with me... Adela Toronto, - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 02:16:53 (GMT I CAME HOME SATURDAY EARLY MORNING (like 12:45), FINDING C.C.H. HERE. :D THIS WISH REALLY CAME TRUE WITHIN 3 DAYS!! THANK YOU!! Adela Toronto, - Monday, May 22, 2006 at 07:38:36 (GMT) Just visiting your site, as we will be getting a student from contagem, brazil on the 12th of August to live with us for highschool. angeles cosmetic dentist in los, [url=http://www.blogcu.com/losdentist/]angeles cosmetic dentist in los[/url] Thanks! http://www.blogcu.com/losdentist/ Brown <Vista> Brookfield, United States - Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 07:35:58 (GMT) i wish taht i could get a puppy. Lu <animalover491@hotmailc.om> COUNDON, coventry england - Friday, May 19, 2006 at 18:29:58 (GMT) doctor mugu is here. mugu <mugu@mugumaga.com> mugu island, mugu island - Friday, May 19, 2006 at 08:34:22 (GMT) I wish that Lanie gets her job!! Stacie - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 03:02:57 (GMT) I wish that Destiny has a healthy black male puppy. Stacie <chinacatsunflower03@yahoo.com> orlando, fl - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 03:01:34 (GMT) I wish for all my troubles (as indeed there are many) be resolved to my highest good. Lesley <Lesleywithers04@aol.com> Cannock, Staffs United Kingdom - Friday, May 12, 2006 at 21:12:06 (GMT) I wish that i will be hired to WGA.super ferry. i wish that i will be able to do the job well. i wish for gerald biago to be my husband. to love him forever florserpeda <florserpeda@yahoo.com> Manila , Philippines - Friday, May 12, 2006 at 15:26:29 (GMT) I wish to buy the winning lottery ticket for the mega millions lotto on Friday May 12th 2006 at a location in Irving, Tx. I wish to win this money so that I don't have to teach school any more (been teaching for 9 years) and I don't have to worry about not having enough money at the end of every month. I also want to help my mom financially so she can retire and not have to worry about money. Thanks. Stephanie Jackman <SJackman27@hotmail.com> Carrollton, Tx USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 20:18:52 (GMT) I wish that Nathan D. Muller would desire a long distance relationship with me and ask me to be his girlfriend on or before my 35th birthday this year (by 8/6/06) and we would be in love with eachother and trust one another for the rest of our lives. I love him and miss him very much since he has moved away. Thanks. Stephanie M. Jackman <SJackman27@hotmail.com> Carrollton, Tx America - Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 11:19:01 (GMT) ineed help i have cancer and i am a single mom .i am only 28 and dont know alot of people .the bank is going to forclose on june 5 2006 if and one can help me;my address is 644 davis mill road Selma,NC 27576 thankyouvery much VAL <NICOLERENFROW28@YAHOO.COM> sema, nc usa - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 22:23:52 (GMT) I wish C.C.H. would come back and spend the night, and consider going back out with me... Adela Toronto, - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 02:16:53 (GMT) fuller life a good wife and graet kids k warren <kawarren@aldine.k12.tx.us> houston, tx harris - Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 17:49:55 (GMT) l wish my husband would get another job so he can be home more SONIA <Sonia107@msn.com> Edinburgh, Scotland - Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 16:59:28 (GMT) I wish I had a boyfriend. Carol <giddyupcd@charter.net> Chesterfield, MO USA - Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 18:02:41 (GMT) you're so good for me! Vicente C. Bronsal <vicentebronsal@yahoo.com> LEGAZPI CITY, PHILIPPINES - Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 03:02:41 (GMT) I wish for love Tyler - Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 05:13:40 (GMT) i wish i can meet lil romeo and i was pretty PAMELA MABRY st poul, mn UNIED STATES - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 04:01:17 (GMT) I WISH i was more cutie and boys will like me mroe and have lot of new shoes and things to waer and i wish that i meet lil romeo and ihave anthing i what and have long her .and sexy and have a lot of money. PAMELA MABRY ST PAUL, MN UNIED STATES - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 03:56:27 (GMT) I wish that I could spend a day with B5. Jackie Wilkes-BerryTWS, Pa U.S.A. - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 18:12:12 (GMT) i wish 2 be a successful person in music and among other things mike <miguelwright0418@yahoo.com> homestead, fl united states - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 22:38:44 (GMT) i wish that i will become a producer and finally get a chance to meet lil romeo and i will be able to be on his cd's and marry him some day and be able to be on the dream place together and also i wish that my father would come home to us and have a(happy family)like i all ways wanted when iwas young michelle <shellyb0611@yahoo.com> homestead, fl united states - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 22:31:24 (GMT) i wish that i will become a producer and finally get a chance to meet lil romeo and i will be able to be on his cd's and marry him some day and be able to be on the dream place together and also i wish that my father would come home to us and have a(happy family)like i all ways wanted when iwas young michelle <shellyb0611@yahoo.com> homesteadfl, fl united states - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 22:30:56 (GMT) Looking for a volunteer to assist my mother so I don't have to place her in a nursing home. Can you help? Call me at 210 846-0179. thanks, cheryl Cheryl L Oswalt <desiree_1960@yahoo.com> san antonio, TX USA - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 01:26:42 (GMT) Wish to meet Lil Romeo. Brittany <SHAUNEE2> LAFAYETTE, Lafayette,LA 70507 USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 at 01:39:04 (GMT) please let me be pregnant, i promise i will take good care of it and i hope j. and i will get back together, may there faithfulness begin as well as honesty, and all those good things -- i can see j. would be a great father, so please let it happen, i wish for it to happen. A. CAN - Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 14:49:33 (GMT) MY MAN I DE HERE OSAS NEGGER <osasnegger@mugu.com> OUAGADOUGOU, ouaga BURKINA FASO - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 08:41:23 (GMT) April 17, 2006 Philippines Lotto games result Leonardo G. Grones - Friday, April 14, 2006 at 07:24:17 (GMT) about the lucky no.s on the result games of lotto in the philipines this coming April 17, 2006 Ding Grones <www.spi_bpo-com> Para???ue, City Philippines - Friday, April 14, 2006 at 07:20:33 (GMT) Philippines Lotto lucky numbers for April 17, 2006 Leonardo G. Grones <www.spi.com> Para???que, City Philippines - Friday, April 14, 2006 at 07:17:20 (GMT) i think its pretty clarissa apodaca <elizabethapodaca@sbcglobal.com> hereford, texas - Tuesday, April 04, 2006 at 17:56:45 (GMT) I wish that Martha Cervantaes of Austin Tex, would be my friend and write me again like you did in 1995 before I moved back to San Jose, CA. from Austin, Tex. We were very good friend's. And I wish you all the love you so deserve. I am married and very happy now. And I will never forget you as long as I live. (HONEY-BEAR) We live in Grass Valley, CA. Not far from Reno,NV. Also. Just a short note. My last wife Kathy whom I shared an appartment with in Austin, TX. Died of drinking herself to death. She drank Vodka like it was water. Anyway, I hope and wish you would responed to this Wish Fountain. Take Care. Love (Huggy Bear) Bob Guthreau <rguthreau@sbcglobal.net> Grass Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 11:01:32 (GMT) i wish me and chris brown could have a one on one date and get to know each other better:) aida <felixsarm@aol.com> bronx, ny usa - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 01:46:58 (GMT) i want to have daddy yankee and lil romeo phone and adress vane <sexynina_sa@hotmail.com> santana, cali - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 00:41:11 (GMT) My friend's mother is facing chemotherapy again. I wish for her to be well. R CA - Monday, March 13, 2006 at 19:07:15 (GMT) I WISH I COULD WIN ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY MY ON HOME AND A NEW RELIABLE CAR, AND ENOUGH MONEY TO PUT UP IN A TRUST FUND FOR MY THREE CHILDREN.I WOULD LOVE TO BE RICH. Mistey Nash Tyler, TX - Tuesday, March 07, 2006 at 04:44:19 (GMT) My Mom needs help to lose weight, and a make over, to get her self esteem back. She works a part-time job in the morning, and comes home everyday at 1pm, and sleeps the whole day, if not she sits and watch tv, or play on the computer with her SIMS. She is depress and the weight doesn't help. My wish is for her to get help in lossing the weight and getting a makeover, hopefully for free, now that we don't have any money. Sandra Ranghelli <scorral_2000@yahoo.com> Deltona, FL USA - Sunday, March 05, 2006 at 22:15:07 (GMT) I wish for true love... Faith - Saturday, March 04, 2006 at 23:34:49 (GMT) I WISH MY SISTER CAN COME BACK FROM HEAVEN SO WE CAN START A NEW LIFE SUMMER JERNIGAN <summerj96@ kol.com> semmes al., al alabama - Friday, March 03, 2006 at 14:55:05 (GMT) It's pretty easy (and self-defeating) to think that some people have all the luck while I'm always stuck with the fuzzy end of the lollipop stick. I wish for opportunities to secure a life long loving companion, improve health and being debt free for the remaining days of my life. Kat - Friday, March 03, 2006 at 02:41:14 (GMT) It is the Wisc lottery powerball I wish to win. I am not selfise I would be happy with half the winning. It could put our lives back on track. Thank You Luana Luana Obregon <mandy_2010_55@yahoo.com> Lake Geneva, Wi 53147 - Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 17:05:09 (GMT) I wish I could win even half. My husband left me and I am about to lose my roof over my head and furnishings. My pets and sick son (26) will be put in the street. I need medicine and need a job or at least open the business I want to. I am praying to win one of the next 4 games. Thank you Luana Luana Obregon <mandy_2010_55@yahoo.com> Lake Geneva, Wi 53147 - Thursday, March 02, 2006 at 17:01:16 (GMT) I wish for Ben D. and I to connect again soon and develop a relationship together, which will be built on love and respect for one another. Carol <giddyupcd@charter.net> Chesterfield, MO USA - Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 21:03:23 (GMT) I wish for Ben D. and I to start a loving relationship soon and grow together as a couple. Carol <giddyupcd@charter.net> Chesterfield, MO USA - Monday, February 27, 2006 at 20:45:06 (GMT) I recently purchased a cursed penny on ebay, and can't get rid of it. It is destroying everything around me, including my vehicles and appliances. Please make it go away and never come back. I am going to throw it into a wishing well as soon as I find one. I hope that this time it will stop returning to me. Mike F. <tmojointmo@hotmail.com> Reading, PA USA - Monday, February 27, 2006 at 18:29:22 (GMT) I wish I could win the Texas mega lottery or any lottery, so I can repay everyone who was there for me. After coming out of a bitter divorce,20 years of been married he cheated on me. I wish that no one goes thru what i went thru. He left and took everything left me with a empty house and bank account. I wish everyone, family,friends that stood by me health,happiness and always success in life. GOD bless everyone. Doris - Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 02:30:14 (GMT) iwish that i can be romeos wife and i wish i can get his phone number. chyna <mzchynamoon at@ol.com> houston, texas - Monday, February 13, 2006 at 06:59:18 (GMT) Please bless mum with good health. Let these horrible signs never come true and let them never come before me again. Please protect her kidneys. Good Girl <goodgirl@yahoo.com> - Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 07:46:47 (GMT) I wish I could win the powerball lottary on 2/8/2006 Thank You Gregory Hardy <hardhead2801@yahoo.com> IndianapolisI, In USA - Monday, February 06, 2006 at 22:20:50 (GMT) I wish this will fulfil the wishes A - Monday, February 06, 2006 at 02:30:35 (GMT) i wish to meet romeo thats all ive wanted since i first heard of him and i aint gonna say im his biggest fan vicrtoria banks <WWW.KUEENN13@YAHOO.COM> RICHTONPARK, il united states - Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 02:13:27 (GMT) I wish that I could come famous as an actress and marry Percy Romeo Miller Erica Moore <Mrs.percymiller@yahoo.com> Society Hill, SC USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 at 21:50:42 (GMT) Just a small wish that my mother will have good nights with her finally stages of copd... Barbara - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 18:37:50 (GMT) IS THERE A WAY I COULD SEND THIS TO SOME BODY NICOLE <CECRETDARD@ AOL.COM> SPRINGFELID, TN USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 01:04:29 (GMT) I wish William and I will be together =). rowi <rowi@yahoo.com> Vancouver, BC USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 17:41:23 (GMT) Wish that Mum would have good health. Wish that dad , bro n me have good health too. Wish Pavan would finally come and marry me now. angela <angelachou@blit.com> - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 13:27:46 (GMT) I strongly wish for my postponed wedding to have a certain date filled with love, I promise to give the best of myself to make all good things happen. jkl <xxxx@yahoo.com> Maryland, MD USA - Sunday, January 08, 2006 at 21:53:07 (GMT) i wish i can get a horse i can have at my house annie <anniehall2@msn.com> dunbar, pa usa - Sunday, January 08, 2006 at 03:32:25 (GMT) For Max... happy hunting, little one. You tell 'em! A - Friday, January 06, 2006 at 23:35:37 (GMT) Cob somewhere, on the Web - Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 07:12:46 (GMT) I love girls neck's and alway's have. I like going to the Mall's. There is a lot of beautifal neck's there. I like long necked girls and woman. I love it when they turn there head's to see all the creeases. What a turn on. Tit's are nice. Neck's are better. Neckman Denten, TX USA - Saturday, December 31, 2005 at 14:28:45 (GMT) If I may wish for something, I'd wish for happiness and good times. Not just for me but also for my boyfriend and everyone else who is important to me. Just some small things that can make all of us smile is good enough. :) Sarah Tsukimi Netherlands - Friday, December 30, 2005 at 14:15:35 (GMT) Hi Jackie how are you ? I think of you now and then. Just not as much. Gee, I wonder what happend to all the 2005 wishes that where on this site ? In any case I will alway's love you. That's Jackie Russo of Cathedral of Faith Church, In San Jose, CA. bob <rguthreau@sbcglobal.net> Grass Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 16:28:50 (GMT) my wish is to spend 5 days straight with little romeo.......i have always loved to meet him....for some reason he inspires me,and thats all i have ever wanted for 2 yrs straight now...i think about meeting him everyday...just wishing that i'd get to meet him....and one day very soon i hope it happens.....i want to meet him next yr in 2006 najet <pwincess_gawgezz_najet@hotmail.com> - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 12:52:24 (GMT) my one and only wish is to spend 5 days with little romeo...master p's son and thats all i want in my life right now...and i have wanted this 4 2 yrs now najet samie <pwincess_gawgezz_najet@hotmai.com> melb, vic australia - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 12:46:02 (GMT) I wish for him whatever will be best for him ... no hurt, no harm to anyone. A - Saturday, December 24, 2005 at 05:36:46 (GMT) i wish that ican get my boyfreind adam ranard back deauqua webster - Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 08:14:32 (GMT) did any one snow wishes come true im just wondering can you guys write back to me and let me know thank you guys so much from monty benton monty benton <montyelvis@sbcglobal.net> lewisville, - Monday, December 19, 2005 at 04:15:05 (GMT) I wish my best friend in Texas wouldn't be mad at me anymore. hope you get the snow you're wish for monty. peace! jules <jules247@comcast.ent> Charlotte, NC USA - Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 19:35:36 (GMT) i wish i could have big boobs, a bigger but and to be skinny again JUSTINA <SbEaXbYy13@AOL.COM> rochester, NY united states - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 21:14:45 (GMT) we wish to have more children but 6 yeas ago i went and had my tubes and now i wish to have them evesed so i can bless my husband with childen tina michelle munoz <tinaandmaco@yahoo.com> waukegan, il usa - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 23:58:43 (GMT) I wish Tom would speak to me and like me the way he used to and that we would be happy together forever. Laura <at1anta@yahoo.com> Edinburgh, Scotland - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 01:57:50 (GMT) i wish to win 500 dollars on a scratch of lottery ticket today star <starbeme@hotmail.com> Potsdam, NY USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 11:04:56 (GMT) I want snow every winter in lewisville texas very bad and it hurts please help me thank you very much from monty benton monty benton <montyelvis@sbcglobal.net> lewisville, TX - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 05:28:56 (GMT) I wish that I will get a horse SOON!!!!!!!! Liz <softballpitcher93@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 17:16:00 (GMT) i wish i cud go back 2 sleep 6 feet under and for the looser who woke me to die shakespeare <shakespeare@hotmail.co.uk> - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 12:48:53 (GMT) i wish tanyas hair would be non ginja cuz she is tha ginja ninja buba <buba@hotmail.com> - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 12:46:06 (GMT) i wish you would all shut up cuz ur all sad this wish ting is bollox hahaha ya mum <babi_gurl@hotmail.com> cali, la usa - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 12:44:34 (GMT) money to pay bills and to get through christmas because my husband has no job Kay <starbeme@hotmail.com> Potsdam, NY USA - Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 12:11:20 (GMT) make me and jaquan's relashiship better mashai <mashai1996@kol.com> savannah, ga usa - Friday, December 09, 2005 at 00:57:04 (GMT) i wish that i meet Lil Romeo Lateisha <teishaj@hotmail.com> Trinidad & Tobago - Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 20:00:22 (GMT) I wish Kathrine Berggrav was in love with me Anonymous - Sunday, December 04, 2005 at 20:40:29 (GMT) i wish to become rich adam horton <mickler4@aol.com> christmas, fl us - Sunday, December 04, 2005 at 15:45:36 (GMT) I wish i could meet Lil Romeo Kolue <loveromeokgirl@aol.com> Indiana, IN United States - Sunday, December 04, 2005 at 06:27:03 (GMT) I wish that I could be in love and have babies and my own family. sandra <tigrasyd@aol.com> hillingdon, england - Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 19:39:01 (GMT) i wish that Raul would stop treating me rude, come to his senses and marry me soon. I wish for Alexandra to disappear because she does belong there with him. I wish for my children to be in good health and one day own my own home. also wish for more money because, everybody I know is broke, and I would like to help them. heather <heatherginger@sbcglobal.net> los angeles , ca usa - Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 03:45:56 (GMT) This is to Jackie. My love for you will never end. Also, I am married to a wonderfull lady now. And only because, we. You and I never made a conection. I held out as long as I could. To try to get close to you. I tried everything none to man. All it take's is for one person to destroy something that meant so much,You. Nobody else. To say I lost FAITH in GOD was stupid. I love GOD. Maybe his plan's were for my wife Sue and I to be together. And, I truly hope you find someone in your life that will love you for ever. And bring you peace and happiness. Maybe I should never say never. Bob Guthreau <rguthreau@sbcglobal.net> Grass Valley, CA USA - Friday, December 02, 2005 at 10:41:25 (GMT) Why you ask ? Why do I love you as much as I do Jackie Russo of San Jose, CA. To this day and everyday for the rest of my life. You will alway's be in my heart. We didn't ever have a chance to know each other. Because of other people giving negitive info., It's sad to love someone you can never be with. Bob Guthreau <rguthreau@sbcglobal.net> Grass Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 17:34:09 (GMT) i wish to have the strength of 10 men !! going to a gym lifting the bigest weights in the room, and ask the men, i need more weight this is way to light for a girl like me !! kirstin zuidema <kirstinzuidema@hotmail.nl> heerlen, limburg netherlands - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 04:59:31 (GMT) I wish Dwayne M., the wonderful guy who passed away this year, a happy 18th birthday. I also wish for Oliver H. to come to his senses, and become my friend again, I wish to have more money, I wish for my hands to be beautiful again from my allergies to pretty much any insect bites. Also, I wish for my boyfriend, Cortney H., to stop asking for money, and still be with me, no matter what. Please fulfill those wishes. Amen. A.N. Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 07:18:10 (GMT) Please god make my son well from his dieases he is only three years old. If we must go through this hard time would you please help me find the money I need to keep us finacly stable. I don't no longer no what to do and am about at the end. Tony <cupracer20@bellsouth.net> Jacksonville, Fl USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 at 19:04:47 (GMT) I wish 4 all 2 accept all that is, was, & will B! Sherry <sherryn1953@yahoo.com> Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 22:47:06 (GMT) win big money today on a scratch off lottery ticket to pay bills and maybe have some left some over for christmas kay <starbeme@hotmail.com> POtsdam, NY USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 11:49:53 (GMT) Please fulfill all my wishes.....please..... Nidhi - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 06:55:56 (GMT) I wish my nose was smaller. ******please!****** Cynthia - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 00:13:38 (GMT) I wish that my granny will be fine throughout her surgeries over the next couple weeks and once again be healthy. Christine - Monday, November 21, 2005 at 05:02:02 (GMT) I wish my real estate to be sold in 3 days from today and at a profitable price Sri krishnaAkkaraju <krsna_akka@yahoo.com> Hyderabad, A.P india - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 18:34:05 (GMT) I want my real estate to be sold in three days from today andat a proa_akka@yahoo.com">krsna_akka@yahoo.com> Hyderabad, A.P india - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 18:34:05 (GMT) I want my real estate to be sold in three days from today andat a profitable price. Thanks Sri KrishnaAkkaraju <krsna_akka@yahoo.com> Hyderabad, A.P india - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 18:28:43 (GMT) May COMOPOLI be an overflowing fountain of beautiful wishes that come true... May COMOPOLI be hope to those who dare to keep on dreaming... COMOPOLI Team <make-a-wish@comopoli.com> Prague, CZ Czech Republic - Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 01:14:43 (GMT) how do i make my relashinship stonge, because i'm so in love with my boyfriend how do i make him feel the way i feel about him . michelle - Friday, November 18, 2005 at 01:03:12 (GMT) I would like to meet Lil Romeo in person.And I would like for him to be my boyfriend, and spend lots of time with him,and just get to know him more. telecia <telecia09@yahoo.com> Greenwood, MS Mississippi - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 23:45:41 (GMT) I just have three wishes that I want govember 13, 2005 at 23:08:08 (GMT) hi my name is Rochelle and I think Lil Roemo is buff and sexy where can i meet him? Rochelle - Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 15:52:02 (GMT) i wish my husband gets all that he deserves...he is the nicest man and i want everything to work out for him this week...i wish my son to be safe and healthy always and i wish my immediate family would stop harassing me and respect me more as i have been there for them through the abuse thank u anya - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 18:08:59 (GMT) iam intrested in criminology but i d't have tat much capability to study since my familiy is not supporting me so i want to work in abroad so tat i can find a way to my future life so please help me.Iam stayng in a village so inter may not be all the time so if u want to contact me tan this is my mobile num 9880811837 shilpa totad <www@shilpa_muttu.yahoo.com> sindhanur, bangalore india - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 16:12:00 (GMT) i wish i had a free new laptopand a free new skirts. aj sienes <checkret_14_fashion@yahoo.com> Ormoc City, Philippines - Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 10:43:56 (GMT) I wish that I could replace my home for my children.............that we could somehow return to a decent standard of living...........that they had hope and a future........... Terri - Tuesday, November 08, 2005 at 22:11:21 (GMT) please have Oliver H. talk to me and have a better friendship, and please have my boyfriend come to his senses about the money matters. i wish for these wishes to come true. also, i wish kamil do well in school, and pass, and to graduate. A.N. Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, November 08, 2005 at 02:48:00 (GMT) My wish is for my Dad. He is dying with cancer. The Dr. gives him 6months to live. My wish is to see if I can't get some window and doors replaced,and a patio closed in with a little heat so he can sit out there and enjoy some of his last days. I WOULD LOVE TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS BUT dont have the monies. MY husband nor I are working.May God Bless you for all the good work and all the wishes you are making come true.Thank you, Sandra Taylor (Or Daddy's Brat) Sandra Taylor < brad_t@netzero.net > Easley , S.C. USA - Monday, November 07, 2005 at 18:52:48 (GMT) i just wish that brian and i could be happy in love. patti saunders - Sunday, November 06, 2005 at 18:51:51 (GMT) please , i wish that i could meet LIL ROMEO , IN PERSON . AND I HOPE THAT I WILL GET HIS AUTOGRAPH, AND A TSHIRT AND HIS POSTER , AND I GET TO HAVE THE WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK WITH HIM . AND I WOULD APPRECIATE IF HE COULD COME TO MY SCHOOL . roseanne <donhudson@cox.net> pensacola, fl usa - Saturday, November 05, 2005 at 13:46:57 (GMT) i wish that my father's job will be succeded and i wish for my family that they will not suffer from being a_______________ ajt sienes <checret_14_fashion@yahoo.com> Ormoc City, philippines - Friday, November 04, 2005 at 10:52:54 (GMT) Iwish I'll meet someone who's rich and has a golden heart online. I wish she's help me with my financial problem. mae bitor <maedo21@yahoo.com> dumaguete, philippines - Friday, November 04, 2005 at 03:31:18 (GMT) Thank you for making my wish come true!! Tonnia Pryor <don't have one> louisville, ky united states - Thursday, November 03, 2005 at 13:49:45 (GMT) WE GET MARIED Chelsie <CThom05> LOISVILLE, KY USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 at 15:52:05 (GMT) i wish that i can meet and have romeo's number and kelly from b5 cuz they all so sexy and i luv them very much Peaches <peaches_cream_pink@yahoo.com> little river, sc usa - Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 15:46:04 (GMT) I wish that my marriage can be renewed and that the love that has faded thru the years be revitalized. Laney - Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 16:49:32 (GMT) i wish i could meet lil romeo in person! im such a big fan of him! but thats somethink i will need to keep on wishing! leanne cullivan <cutiex7x@hotmail.com> suffolk, england - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 13:16:03 (GMT) I'd appreciate it if Oliver H. would forgive me and be a better friend towards me, and I do the same, so please let this happen, i care about him, and it hurts not to have him around to talk to anytime, i wish for this wish to happen. A.N. <nottelling@nottelling.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 08:24:57 (GMT) when am i finally going to meet you, Mitch, you mean the world to me.... RENEE <renmar@thevillages.net> lady lake, fl. sumpter - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 12:52:51 (GMT) I wish for my ex-boyfriend whose hold the intitials, O.H., to start talking to me again, and have a better friendship with me. I wish for my boyfriend, C.H., to stop asking for money, or for stuff -- it's getting on my nerves. I wish for C.H. to show more affection, to be more nice, and all the good stuff, and I just wish he'd forget about money!! A.N. <nottelling@nottelling.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, October 21, 2005 at 11:35:49 (GMT) i wish dat i kould meet romeo because i am his numba 1 fan and dat i kould spend time with him and get to knw de real him because from wat c and have read bout him i think his an angel sent from heaven kathrin sydney, nsw australia - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 12:11:16 (GMT) i wish that he sexiest boi in the world (lil romeo) was my boo 4ever shubs <chubs> nc, usa usa - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 22:28:31 (GMT) i wish that lil romeo was my boy friend fayola <fayolz@btinternet.com> london, kent england - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 22:20:49 (GMT) i wish that i could get romeo number so i could get record deal and we coul do a son together vantasia johnson <vantasia_brownie@yahoo.com> fresno, ca usa - Sunday, October 09, 2005 at 04:49:39 (GMT) i love romeo very much . i would just like to meet him. i had to under go a surgery because i have migrain problems and it is because i stress myself over him and always dreaming of when we'll be together cherrol <cheryco_bourne@yohoo.com> kingston, jamaica - Saturday, October 08, 2005 at 20:32:13 (GMT) i wish my wish was granted robbie <bballerct50@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 22:41:32 (GMT) i wish that once i fall asleep tonight, Tuesday October 4, 2005, that when i wake up, it will be July 23, 2005. please, i would do anyhting. robbie <bballerghs33@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 22:41:06 (GMT) I thought so...
Cob Somewhere, On the Web - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 05:16:55 (GMT) I wish to be in america for my lifetime. Elvis <brownamas17@yahoo.com> lagos nigeria - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 16:01:25 (GMT) A wish for my friend's father to be well. R CA - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 01:45:07 (GMT) iwish my boyfriend wasnt 2000 miles away from 1.5 years. i just want to marry him already...and not wait cw - Monday, September 26, 2005 at 01:04:40 (GMT) I WOULD LOVE TO MEET A VERY WONDERFUL NATIVE OR ANYONE WHO LOVES TO FISH, CAMP, READ, AND LOVES LIFE. WALKS ON BEACHES, MOUNTAINS. MISC. MAGGIE / CHEROKEE~~~I LOVE TO COOK CROCHET, MAKE QUILTS, JUST ABOUT ANYTHING, HAVE CNA LISCENCE, AND HAVE WORKED ON CONSTRUCTION. PAINTED HOUSES, LAYED CARPET, TILE JUST ABOUT A JACK OF ALL TRADES. I AM 65 BUT PEOPLE TAKE ME TO BE 40. PETITE 5~4 100 LBS. LIKE A MAN FROM 58 TO 70. LOVE TO ALL , WITH HUGS AND PRAYERS. I BELONG TO ALOT OF YAHOO GROUPS, MISC. LOVE TO PAINT ART, WRITE, AND ETC. * LILBIT1940@WEBTV.NET * ~~~ BLESSED BE ~~~ MARGARET L. BARRIER <LILBIT1940@WEBTV.NET> MANASSAS,, VA. PRINCE WILLIAM, VA. - Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 18:06:01 (GMT) I WISH THAT ONE DAY,ROMEO WILL COME TO SINGAPORE TO MEET ME AND BE MY BOYFRIEND AND HUSBAND FOR THE REST OF OUR LIFES. mia <mia_ondamic@hotmail.com> Singapore, Singapore Singapore - Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 12:05:55 (GMT) i wish for us... no hurt no harm to anyone A - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 05:02:59 (GMT) i wish that i get out this grouphome very soon destiny harris <none> clayton, nc johnston - Friday, September 16, 2005 at 14:21:21 (GMT) all i want to say is lil romeo is the sexiest boy i know and i would love to meet him one day Lateisha Brown <mrs.squarepants@hotmail.com> Cleveland, ohio cuyahoga - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 15:20:12 (GMT) no comments but i love to philipines and there people. rajeshmaden <babasubbarajeshmaden@yahoo.co.in> kathmando, east nepal - Monday, September 12, 2005 at 21:44:28 (GMT) i just want romeo's phone number so i can just talk to him!!! crystal <rutterranch@iquest.net> morgantown, IN usa - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 19:11:09 (GMT) i just want to meet romeo crystal <rutterranch@iquest.net> morgantown, IN usa - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 19:08:01 (GMT) I wish i get married with Amit whom i love and he is only mine for this life chandra <samtanichandra@rediffmail.com> Mumbai, india - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 15:14:32 (GMT) i wish my exboyfriend would come back to me. amanda atkinson <blondie20050@yahoo.com> stockbridge, ga usa - Thursday, September 08, 2005 at 17:02:59 (GMT) I WISH MY BOYFRIEND WOULD COME BACK TO ME ALL THE WAY HE SO DISTANT I WISH HE WOULD COME BACK INTO MY LIFE WITH GREAT LOVE AND HAPPINESS JACKIE <JACKIESD@YAHOO.COM> CHAMPAIGN, IL USA - Thursday, September 08, 2005 at 04:02:57 (GMT) i wish that bryce would ask me out and my parents let me felicia stafford <miz_unique_21> lexington, M.O. united states - Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 19:37:20 (GMT) It's very quiet here without you, R. I hope you get to listen to your tunes and that they please you where you are. I miss you... D - Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 04:05:07 (GMT) i am 15 and I would like to be an actress when i am older. i have always wanted to be one. and since i was younger i have been such a drama queen. :). i always wanted to meet lil romeo. i used to love watching him in his nickelodeon when i was younger and loved the film honey that he was in. i would just love to meet him but... Loulou Leicester, UK England - Saturday, September 03, 2005 at 16:33:31 (GMT) Goodbye R, Have a safe journey. E - Friday, September 02, 2005 at 19:20:17 (GMT) Quiero asistir al concierto de Interpol el proximo 05 ? 06 de septiembre de 2005. Por favor. Gracias. Melissa C. - Friday, September 02, 2005 at 18:44:43 (GMT) tired of feeling like a nobody katiedid <cspadaro@alltel.net> aurura, Ohio america - Thursday, September 01, 2005 at 11:27:55 (GMT) I wish that I could win a large amount of mpney today August 31. Tara White <MINGOLOVELY@YAHOO.COM> Charlotte , NC Unitrd States - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 10:55:52 (GMT) swift flight, O winged one. to freedom, and rest. Dawn - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 17:45:11 (GMT) wish that he would call and wish me for my birthday deepa <deepanjalirao@yahoo.co.in> - Monday, August 29, 2005 at 11:41:02 (GMT) i wish to meet lil romeo and be his friend at night i always pray to meet him and his family and for me and lil romeo to hang out im out going fun lov to party so if you're reading this romeo hi and i love you and i wish to meet you sometime in october meya <none> columbus, ohio - Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 20:38:53 (GMT) i wish to meet lil romeo and be his friend at night i always pray to meet him and his family and for me and lil romeo to hang out im out going fun lov to party so if you're reading this romeo hi and i love you and i wis to meet you sometime in october meya <none> columbus, ohio - Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 20:38:12 (GMT) I wish i win the lottary today Mercy <masemugo@yahoo.com> Bucharest, Romania - Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 10:28:49 (GMT) i wish i could be with her eugene <eugene_wong86@hotmail.com> singapore, Singapoore - Friday, August 26, 2005 at 08:04:47 (GMT) hope the wishes come true jan <janklein1@yahoo.co.uk> - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 11:29:55 (GMT) I wish that many things will turn out to its proper order in this country, for the betterment of our society and its people Aileen <otsani@yahoo.com> Baguio City, Philippines - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 07:40:10 (GMT) no jane lfue <cute16@yahoo.com> el cajon, UN California - Monday, August 22, 2005 at 01:58:22 (GMT) I AM 34 VERY ILL WITH THREE KIDS I SUFFER EVERY DAY SO AS MY FAMILY NOTHINGS GOING RIGHT,HEALTH,HOME,MONEY ,ANDFAMILY. JUST MY HUSBAND WORKS ALL DAY TAKES CARE OF ME 3 KIDS THE HOUSE WAS A FIREMAN VOLUNTEER,GAVE IT UP BECAUSE OF ME ,I CANT GO OUTSIDE IN THE SUN FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME.I HAVE A RARE DISEASE CALLED MORPHEA IN THE SCLERADERMA FAMILY ,EPILEPSY SWELLING OF THE BRAIN,UPPER AIRWAT RESISTANCE SYNDROME ALL WITH IN4YEARS I WAS ALWAYS HEALTHY THEN BANG!!!!! NINA SHURMAN <NSHURM@AOL.NET> LAKE GROVE, N.Y U.S - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 01:45:18 (GMT) happy belated birthday ro.and may u live to see many more shanita barbados - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 18:55:19 (GMT) i also wish that everyone's wish here comes true and good life and health to my friends and family and lil romeo who does good things keep up the good work ro. shanita barbados - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 16:51:54 (GMT) i wish that i would become an actress and that i would meet lil romeo and that he would help make my wishes come true cause i know he can shanita <shanita_444@hotmail.com> barbados - Friday, August 19, 2005 at 16:47:37 (GMT) i wish romeo percy miller can go with me because i like him because he is important to me.oh happy 16 birthday. ariel <www.grantham@aol.com> baltimore, md - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 08:51:53 (GMT) I wish for Roger freedom from pain and fear - no hurt, no harm to anyone. Dawn - Monday, August 15, 2005 at 02:57:10 (GMT) I wish a girl name ashle would like in IL because she was the only fan to send me something for my birthday. percy romeo miller <none> beverlyhills, CA U>S>A - Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 18:50:51 (GMT) I was a girl name ashle would like in IL because she was the only fan to send me something for my birthday. percy romeo miller <none> beverlyhills, CA U>S>A - Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 18:47:34 (GMT) my name is NASEER and my friend call me SAMI .i need the good and gantel gril for the marri. those grils send me the mail who can forget his past and can strat her new life with new life partner . i always say .love is like the sano ball easy to make difficult to keep it naseer <sami-4friend@yahoo.com> isalamabad, pakistan pakistan - Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 12:20:23 (GMT) i wih for world peace and 2 b a famous singer,dancer and actress when im older mica chin <thinkpink_9303@hotmail.co.uk> liverpool, uk england - Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 13:23:18 (GMT) i wih for world peace and 2 b a famous singer,dancer and actress when im older mica chin <thinkpink_9303@hotmail.co.uk> liverpool, uk england - Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 13:22:56 (GMT) i wish that i will be a famous dancer or inger when im older mica chin <thinkpink_9303@hotmail.co.uk> liverpool, uk england - Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 13:21:13 (GMT) I wish for peace and strength for my friends in this difficult time. May the great spirit guide them. Tokala Luta - Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 05:02:36 (GMT) I wish for R the courage to go through the next set of tests. Frightening as the tests may be, they are important to do to be sure we're not treating something that isn't. D - Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 04:00:08 (GMT) I wish, I wish the world could see how cool it is when books are free. To practice serendipity, take this link and follow me. Tacicala - Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 03:53:53 (GMT) I HAVE TO MEET LIL ROMEO BECAUSE HE IS MY #1 FAN AND I LOVE HIM VERY VERY MUCH AND IF U MAKE THIS WISH COME TRUE I LOVE YOU 2 NA-NA <BARBARA_GRANGER@SBCGLOBAL.NET> BEAUMONT, TX - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 23:46:30 (GMT) I wish to be at the top of my class every year, and to graduate Valedictorian. Samantha - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 22:39:23 (GMT) hey?? ahmm.. gud day??? im cess and i wish you can help me in this thing... i like to be a great doctor someday and i like my crush to be sitted on my isde this month of september.. hehehehe dats ol thnx! princess janine esberto <pretty_cess13@yahoo.com> taguig, philippines - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 13:52:00 (GMT) I wish that i could marry lil'Romeo Tia <tiakala@sbcglobal.net> Gary, IN USA - Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 02:47:10 (GMT) I wish that i could marry lil'Romeo Tia <tiakala@sbcglobal.net> Gary, IN USA - Tuesday, August 09, 2005 at 02:46:07 (GMT) I wish that the girl I'm in love with to start flirt with me, to phone me more often, to contact me more and to open her hearth to me. Thanks. Miguel - Monday, August 08, 2005 at 15:43:12 (GMT) and some sneakers. monica <MONICA_ashley1@yahoo.com> providence, RI USA - Monday, August 08, 2005 at 03:26:20 (GMT) i wish i had a house with every thing a star has inside and alots of money and more banging cloths. monica <MONICA_ashley1@yahoo.com> providence, RI USA - Monday, August 08, 2005 at 03:25:18 (GMT) i wished that i could be a famous singer one of these days not shy at all. and to meet lil'romeo and go out with him for a long time and wish i a nice thick girl . and a flat stomach and long hair .more pretty face. monica <MONICA_ashley1@yahoo.com> providence, RI USA - Monday, August 08, 2005 at 03:22:02 (GMT) I wish for the man that I love returns my love and contacts me Hayley Edwards <Williamsh594@aol.com> Wrexham, United kingdom - Sunday, August 07, 2005 at 16:59:54 (GMT) I wish comfort and acceptance for R as he goes through his consult today with the new doctor. Cob Somewhere, On The Web - Thursday, August 04, 2005 at 16:04:53 (GMT) I wish that the girl for whom I'm in Love to open her hearth to me, to flirt more with me, to phone more, to contact me more and to give me a signal of her love. Miguel - Wednesday, August 03, 2005 at 15:49:21 (GMT) FIND MY PUPPY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kevin <www.kevindixon@aol.com> Jackson, Ms United States - Wednesday, August 03, 2005 at 04:16:40 (GMT) I wish to win a million dollars in a lottery win S H <angle@yahoo.com> miss, on USA - Wednesday, August 03, 2005 at 01:56:33 (GMT) I WANT LIL'ROMEO TO MEET ME AND FALL DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH ME AND HE WILL NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH ANY OTHER GIRL BUT ME AND HE WILL LIKE ME FOR MY PERSONALITY CHRISTINE <SWTDANCINGRL12@AOL.COM> PENSACOLA, FL USA - Tuesday, August 02, 2005 at 18:34:45 (GMT) http://journals.aol.com/joymarie77/JeffJoyGreenwoodsBESTAdventure/ jeff greenwood <greenwood152@aol.com> sunrise, fl usa - Tuesday, August 02, 2005 at 16:32:09 (GMT) i wish jose would call or text me tonight and we'll talk about our problems in the past and we'll get back together tonight. t'keyah chapman <keyahboo2@aol.com> hamilton, ohio USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 22:01:47 (GMT) I think lil romeo is so find I want marry him micky williams dallas, tx USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 18:49:32 (GMT) would I get to be a super star when im 11 michala williams dallas, tx USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 18:46:55 (GMT) I wish the angel for the bernstel twins had a working email in woodstock canada because my mother was one of the twins born in 1920. sherry driscoll <sherryn1953@yahoo.com> los angeles, ca usa - Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 20:13:16 (GMT) I WISH THAT I WILL LIVE FOR ANOTHER 40 YEARS AND EVERYTIME I GAMBLE LIKE I BET IN LOTTERY HERE AND ABROAD, OR I GO AND PLAY AT CASINO I WILL ALWAYS WIN AND NEVER LOST. AND EVERY MAN THAT I WANT WILL LOVE ME AND LEAVE HIS FAMILY susana ku avila <susankuus@yahoo.com> taipei, taiwan - Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 15:28:12 (GMT) I THINK YOU IS FINE ASS HELL AND WANT YOU TO COME TO WACO LIL KEE-KEE <PATRICE-HIGHTOWER4@PEOPLEPC.COM> WACO, TX USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 07:08:35 (GMT) I wish Eva is my girlfriend John <elfactore@hotmail.com> - Friday, July 29, 2005 at 16:23:44 (GMT) i wish that i can be an actor and a singer and go with lil romeo and be his girlfriend i really wish that mecca <sexybabygirl1212000@yahoo.com> newark, nj united states - Friday, July 29, 2005 at 03:08:16 (GMT) i wish if i could meet lil romeo samantha - Friday, July 29, 2005 at 00:25:45 (GMT) i wish if i could meet lil romeo samantha - Friday, July 29, 2005 at 00:25:42 (GMT) I wish that I can meet LIL ROMEO because he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT and he has a good personality just like I do. He knows how to treat a girl. He also knows how to play basketball. I know how to play Football, Basketball, and Soccor. Me and LIL ROMEO have alot in commin. LaToya Rashelle Phillips <116 La Cascata> Clementon, NJ - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 20:16:10 (GMT) I wish that I looked the way I did before I got sick. James - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 17:25:24 (GMT) I wish to one day play in Lil romeo tv show Lesley McLaurin <N/A> Aberdeen, MD USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 18:27:22 (GMT) I REALLY WISH TO WIN THE OHIO LOTTERY...JUST A SMALL ONE cathy cleveland, oh USJuly 26, 2005 at 00:50:40 (GMT) well i thank its coo i never beent thurr but it sound coo cilla <runnings0fast@aol.com> keller, tx - Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 04:58:15 (GMT) i'm from barbados latoya USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 23:37:49 (GMT) including my wish to meet lil romeo latoya - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 23:36:38 (GMT) iwish everyone's wish here comes true latoya - Friday, July 22, 2005 at 23:30:42 (GMT) I used to be a very powerful person. Unfortunately, my abilities were taken away from me because I misused them. I hurt so many people in the past and ruined their lives. Then a gypsy lady cursed me by telling me I wouldn't be able to use my powers and that I would be a freak by looking and acting like a girl. I may not look like a girl too much, but I'm very feminin more than I am supposed to be masculin. I just want another chance at my powers and to either stop being so feminin or just turn me into a girl. My breasts aren't big or even look too much like a girl's breasts, but from going to a flat chest to having what seem to be breasts in only two years makes me believe they're going to keep growing. I wish that my abilities of telekinesis, levitation, and telepathy would be restored and returned to me. I've learned a big lesson and I'm for helping people who need help. I also wish that my confidence will increase and that I can be happier in my life. I don't care if I am made into a girl or if I finally get to be more of man than I am now. I just want my powers back, I want to be happy again, I want to be confident, and I don't want to be alone. I've been looking for the love of my life and I've never found her. So, I also wish that I could find or we can find each other. I want it to be love at first sight. I want to know she is the one the moment our eyes meet. I also wish my family could just get along and forgive each other for things that are already in the past. I wish my family could just start over fresh and get a new start. Everyone in my family has hit rock bottom in one way or another, except for me. I stay strong and keep searching for ways to improve every situation I or anyone faces. So far I've been successful, but I can't keep cleaning up after everyone's mess. I wish I could start off fresh and new. For those that I've hurt in the past, I am sorry. I've learned my lesson and I wish to make it up to all of them by helping those in need of help. I've changed and gained a new perspective on life, the world, and the people in it. So to size it all up, my wish is to be forgiven from all those that I've hurt and to be forgiven by the universe for misusing the powers I once had. I beg you to give me a second chance at making my dreams, and the dreams of others, reality. I promise to never use my powers for evil, killing, or messing with free will. Thank you in advance if you accept my apology and grant my request. Your Child of the Universe, Jesse Salas (J) Jesse Salas <alienboy13225@yahoo.com> Madera, CA USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 02:44:03 (GMT) I wish I will get back my MP3 player I lost at the pool... I hope that who ever has it is a good person and will return it to me now that I put up a sign. This MP3 player got me through some really tough times.... I really hope I get it back. Tony Thieu Allen, TX USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 02:38:24 (GMT) I love Romeo so much all my life i wanted to meet you I had one chance to see you but i could'nt it was either your concert was canceled or it was sold out even through people talk about you and how they say you dont matter anymore I still Love you so much and I want to meet you Whatever you do dont talk to Jo Jo your number one fan Dominique . dominique philadelphia, pa - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 07:06:55 (GMT) I WISH THAT IN THE GET TO MEET LIL ROMEO BECAUSE I THINK HE IS HEAVY!!!!!!! Lataya <azkel45@msn.com> Birmingham, U.K - Monday, July 18, 2005 at 12:47:37 (GMT) I hope i've come to the right place because all i ask for in life is for my hair to grow back. Please help me the lonely girl in SC. Desperate Girl - Friday, July 15, 2005 at 03:21:14 (GMT) I wish I could find the funds to help pay our bills. I have been disabled since 1999 and was unable to draw disability. Now my husband is disabled and he is in the END STAGE OF COPD. Hospice has been called in to nurse him through his final stages of life. He also was unable to draw disability. We are just 51 and 52 years old so we are not able to draw social security. We have both worked hard but we had a 2 year period where we did not make enough money to pay into social security. Now neither of us can work and can not draw anything. We stand a chance now of loosing everything we own. This is a wish and my wish is for help to be able to keep what we have worked so hard for. Teresa Baxter <nay_nay27360@yahoo.com> Thomasville, NC USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 20:04:36 (GMT) I wish my mom did not sleep all the time andspent more time with me A.R. - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 19:21:34 (GMT) I wish that I am skinny. I wish I am athletic. I wish I had a boyfriend who treats me right. I wish my dad would not have a temper anymore. I wish that I will be able to see the unseen. A.R. - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 20:01:27 (GMT) I want to be able to see into the past when I touch a grave and to see into the future. Sadia - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 19:51:39 (GMT) I want to get my tubes reversed is there anyone who can help me Christy <watsontwa@aol.com> selma, NC US - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 23:15:34 (GMT) please have this certain guy whom holds the intitials, C.H., be honest with everyone that he has a girlfriend (which is me), and to start being faithful to me. to start showing love. A.N. - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 08:56:25 (GMT) if my ex-boyfriend whom holds the intitials of first letter of both first and last name, O.H. has a girlfriend, i wish for him to break up with her, i wish for him to admit his feelings for me, that he likes me. i wish for him to ask me out, i wish for him to be more understanding, and all the good stuff towards me. i wish for him to tell me he misses being with me! A.N. - Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 08:15:34 (GMT) i wish that my ex-boyfriend whom holds the intitials O.H. from another country stops being mad at me and starts being sweet to me, starting now. i wish he admits his feelings for me that he likes me, and for us to not have any more problems with each other. i wish that he forgives me or something. i also wish that my boyfriend whom holds the intitals C.H. to stop asking for money, and start showing love to me, i also want him to be with me for who i am. i wish for this wish to come true. if O.H. has a girlfriend, i wish for him to break up with her, i wish for him to ask me out as soon as possile, i wish to have all the wishes i've made to come true! A.N. - Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 01:17:30 (GMT) Hi my name is Wendy and I am a single mom and I am not able to work because I have COPD and daughter who will be six July 27th 2005 her name is Chyanne. Chyanne is our county's beauty queen and it is her birthday wish and her dream to raise up enough money to go to the Miss American Starlet finals in Palm springs Ca August 3rd through the 7th and she could win up to $60,000 in saving's bond's to go to college. Chyanne want's to be a Veterinarian or a Doctor so all your donation's would help Chyanne and many other young girl's to be on there way to a very bright future.All the donation's will be greatly appreciated and if you need to have more information on the Miss American Starlet pageant please let contact me know by responding to this BLOG or feel free to call me and I will give you all the info you need.This pageant is going to be just like Miss America pageant you may have seen on tv. Thank you all very much and god bless Wendy & Chyanne (760) 384-3431 Wendy Fisher <wendy_todd17@yahoo.com> Ridgcrest , CA USA - Saturday, July 09, 2005 at 02:30:04 (GMT) i want lilromeophone number so bad please make it happen Jasmin <jazzyk3847@sbcglobal.net> st.louis, mo unitedstates - Thursday, July 07, 2005 at 00:12:48 (GMT) i hope that people dont think that i love percy for his fam because i dont im going to find him and marry him reanea tillman milwaukee, wis - Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 18:59:06 (GMT) i wish that me and my boyfriend stay together happy without letting anybody breaking us up and that i can get a job ellavisha milwaukee, wis - Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 18:50:01 (GMT) my wish is to meet percy romeo miller better known as lil romeo. Every since i first saw him i wanted to see how it will feel just to meet him. i know that he probably would not notice me. im 14 im a native american also black, have long hair , and is very smart. i hope to meet you someday. i would hope that you would receive this letter and some how get back in touch with me. Sincerly, yours truly your biggest fan Ellavisha Tillman love you ellavisha tillman <sophiajayz> milwaukee, wis - Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 18:46:20 (GMT) I wish that i find a job soon! Manon <langcat73@hotmail.com> Richmond, qc canada - Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 12:46:59 (GMT) i wish me and my sister had 888 thousand dollars up stars in our room lala carter <lalaboycrazy@yahoo.com> St. Petersburg, FL USA - Friday, July 01, 2005 at 18:46:38 (GMT) i wish that i could go see the world with my dad i wish i could change the way i look i wish i could be in the 8th grade at bay point middle school k-ci carter <kaytlynn_cart@yahoo.com> stpetersburg, FL USA - Friday, July 01, 2005 at 18:44:25 (GMT) I wish to become a famous actor singer or dancer by meeting someone that is internationally famous who wants me to be their friends. mark <clancytheron@aol.com> new york , NY USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 07:14:17 (GMT) I would like to win a date with LiLRomeo,win a free mansion,and have a right to meet any famous persom I want.I also wold like to try to live my dream of becoming a b-ball champion,but I'm pretty good and to also help people that need homes and food all over the world. Laren Rowe <www.lil@adelphia.net> Fredricksburg, Virginia United States - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 18:23:25 (GMT) I wish to win a big fair anount of money or a million dollars. F.M. - Monday, June 27, 2005 at 01:46:35 (GMT) I wish that A. and I could be together forever and that we could have visas to see each other. M. - Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 04:06:38 (GMT) Dear wish fountain please hear my wish please I beg of you....I hold in my hand the photo of the true love that I desire most in my life please he has came home from the army and he is back in town. I love him so much and I have done so every since I was 14 years old. Please wish fountain bring us to the same place at the same time and let us see each other. Let it be love between us please. I wish that he and I were truly in love and that he would be my future husband. I wish that we would be united before the end of summer. I wish for a sign to this wish to appear in the near future. Oh please wish fountain let my wish harm none and be granted. Thank you in advance. B. USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 21:23:37 (GMT) I wish for an easy and untroubled passing for S.L. in his own time ~ may his folks be at ease and keep the focus where it needs to be at this time. Comfort to them as needed, knowing they have done what may be done for him. No hurt, no harm to anyone. A - Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 16:17:16 (GMT) I wish that tonight my sister and I would have dreams of our future spouses. Marri - Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 06:17:42 (GMT) I wish that I had enough money to go to Central America! I wish that Bello really has sent the money that he says he has sent to me. Berni - Friday, June 24, 2005 at 03:50:24 (GMT) I wish that A.R. would call me tonight and ask me to marry him. B. - Friday, June 24, 2005 at 01:00:46 (GMT) I wish that I will see Jose tonight (06/23/05) and that we will have a good conversation and we will exchange telephone numbers. B. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 21:10:17 (GMT) I wish that my boyfriend's mother never would have died in the car accident on 152 Avenue and Kendall Dr. on Thursday June 16, 2005. I wish the accident would have never ever happend. I wish God could explain things when he makes decisions. I wish God would look things thru before he'd take someone's life and cause people pain. In my opinion death is better than suffering but I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish I was stronger. confused being Miami, Fla - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 19:01:55 (GMT) I wish that J.O. will be at Ladies Night tomorrow and he will talk to me. I wish mom lets me go to Ladies Night. B.O. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 07:15:10 (GMT) Thank you for two wishes granted and one sign of things to be granted! :-) B.O. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 04:38:55 (GMT) I wish that A.R.R.V. of Guatemala would ask me to marry him tonight! B.O. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 02:31:47 (GMT) I wisht hat my sister would stop being a puta and I wish she would stop lying to me. I wish that my dad would take me to Wal-Mart tonight!!!!!!!!! B.O. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 02:21:45 (GMT) I wish that I were a wonderful singer and had my own compact disc out. I wish that I were famous and that everybody loved my singing. I wish that the guy that I like with the initaials J.O. who goes as Beto will be in Wal-Mart tonight and that he will come up to me and ask me if I were single now and ask me for my telephone number and that he will also give me his cellular phone number. I wish that he thought I was a beautiful lady and that he wanted to be my boyfriend badly. I wish that all of things people desire in their hearts that is of good nature and no harm to others would come true. I wish for there to be no more sickness and that everybody would be healthy and well. I wish that everybody would have somebody that loves them. I wish there would be no more sadness in the world. I wish that there would be more racism and no more hate groups. I wish that everybody would be happy. I wish that this wish will take effect today! B.O. - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 00:54:00 (GMT) i wish i had a million dollors. SIEanna - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 00:45:04 (GMT) I WISH TO LOSE 60 LBS. IN 4 MONTHS. I WANT TO GET A BETTER PAYING JOB WITH OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. I WANT TO MEET GOOD FRIENDS. I WANT TO BUY A NICE HOUSE. I WISH TO WIN THE LOTTERY. I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE TO A BETTER CITY WITH GOOD SCHOOLS, JOBS, EXCITEMENT, AND NEW EXPERIENCES. I WISH REGGIE TO MOVE BACK HERE TO BE WITH HIS FAMILY AND FOR GOOD HEALTH FOR HIM. SP - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 00:39:36 (GMT) I WISH THAT C.J WILL CALL ME AND GO BACK OUT WITH ME TODAY. I WISH THAT MY DAD WILL CALL ME AND SEND ME MONEY.ALSO THAT MY FAMILY WILL BE HEALTY AND ALIVE ALSO SAFE.AND THAT ALL THE PEOLPE THAT MAKE A WISH ON HERE HAVE THERE WISH CAME TRUE TOO.AN THAT MY AUNT WILL HAVE THE GUY THAT SHE WANTS IN LIFE. AND THAT MY MOMIE WILL GET HER WISH THAT SHE WANTS TO COME TRUE. AND THAT I WILL LOSE WEIGTH BY TOMORROW LIKE 15 POUNDS. I WISH I WILL GET MY BACKHANDSRING RIGHT. Skye < > BARDSTOWN, ky NELSON - Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 00:34:16 (GMT) i wish to have good luck with money, and business starting now. A.N. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 15:48:03 (GMT) i also wish that Shane and Dwayne are in better places, too. may god bless your souls, especially Alex's. A.N. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 02:16:49 (GMT) i wish for Alex Everette Jordan to be in the better place. i wish for Alex's family to be strong, especially during the funeral tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.. i wish that Alex, Dwayne Michaud, and Shane Downes would show their faces, like ghosts/spirits that can catch my attention, and have me recognizing them, so i could say goodbye to them. i wish for this wish to come true. A.N. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 02:13:47 (GMT) I wish for the father of my child to call me tonight and apologize for all he has put me through Shamekia <www.MekiaElissia@yahoo.com> Shreveport, La United States - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:45:49 (GMT) I wish I could be 140 pounds by saturday and gain my self confidence back Shamekia <www.TroyMekiaLiLi@aol.com> Shreveport, La United States - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:43:23 (GMT) i wish to have my full name/e-mail addressed removed from this site, or have them be prevented from being seen on any search engines, such as google, or something. i wish for this wish to come true. A.N. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:41:22 (GMT) i wish that my ex-boyfriend whom holds the intitials O.H. from another country stops being mad at me and starts being sweet to me, starting now. i wish he admits his feelings for me that he likes me, and for us to not have any more problems with each other. i wish that he forgives me or something. i also wish that my boyfriend whom holds the intitals C.H. to stop asking for money, and start showing love to me, i also want him to be with me for who i am. i wish for this wish to come true. A.N. <nospam@hotmail.com> North York, ON Canada - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:35:12 (GMT) I wish that I had a beautiful stomach and that it was not ugly anymore. I wish I could speak fluent spanish. B.O. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:29:04 (GMT) I wish that my friend Khalid would overcome his player habits and ddrinking habits and that he would become the girl he desires most (Z.) boyfriend before the end of July 2005. B.O. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:17:10 (GMT) I wish that my ex-boyfriend whom holds the initials J.O. and goes as Beto would come back into my life as soon as possiblle before the end of June 2005. I wisht that he would fall madly and possessively in love with me and ask me to marry him. I wish that he and I would get married before January 2006 and that he and I would have a wonderful marriage full of psassion and true love and neither of us would ever cheat on the other or abuse the other. I wish that J.O. would have a dream of me on this night. I wish that the next time I see him he will come up to me and ask me for my telephone number and tht he will call me that same day and ask me to be his girlfriend. I wish for this wish to come true. B.O. - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 01:13:31 (GMT) please i really need to meet him ''iwanna make you my boy freind'' fanisha jackson <romeo all day> Jersey City, - Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 21:49:30 (GMT) i wish that i could meet lilromeo becuase i know i got what it takes to be his cindarella fanisha jackson <romeo all day> Jersey city, - Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 21:46:42 (GMT) I wish that I can meet Romeo and be his Cinderella Moniqe <RavStars@aol.com> Orlando, Fl United States - Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 18:11:08 (GMT) i wish 2 meet romeo but i kind of wish he was not rich because it whould be easer 2 meet him & see his hot body, but if somehow i was his girlfriend peple whoulg think i like him cause hes rich but thats not true. I feel in love wit him rachel <rach2eath@aol.com> tuson, AZ united states - Friday, June 17, 2005 at 05:00:43 (GMT) IF WISHES ARE TRUE ROMEO WHAT DO YOU WISH DAEDAE HOUSTON, TX USA - Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 04:01:39 (GMT) I wish my dearest Mother didn't have dementia and my brother would understand that I am here for her and him. I also pray for Jabez's prayer that God indeed bless me everyday so I made not give pain to others, and also that I quit yelling back at my Mom when I feel the 2,000 question addressed to me runs short of my patience. Grant me more patience wit> wings2fly <bloss007@comcast.net> lake tapps, wa us - Thursday, June 09, 2005 at 06:53:08 (GMT) i want a gril lane <lart> lake, la lake city - Tuesday, June 07, 2005 at 01:18:42 (GMT) Please grant my wish today or tonight so that the job for which my husband is looking forward , gets cancelled . Also he should not even book the ticket for his interview too . Please please grant my wish !! soma <write_to_soma@hotmail.com> Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, June 03, 2005 at 13:02:35 (GMT) Also I wish that the interview call(Aug 17th , 2005) which my husband has received from Bhubaneswar, India , should get cancelled before he book his ticket for India . Please pray for me , so that my wish get granted !! Its really important for my life to stay abroad any where instead of going back to my country . There is not much time , so please make my wish graned asap !! soma <write_to_soma@hotmail.com> Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, June 03, 2005 at 12:57:53 (GMT) I wish that the Indian job for which my husband is looking forward and which is almost in his hand , should some how get cancelled . Atleast for 2 years more I would like to stay here itself where we r now . So my husband should not get that job at Bhubaneswar, India Soma <write_to_soma@hotmail.com> Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, June 03, 2005 at 12:53:57 (GMT) I wish that Ryan would dump his new Girlfriend Steph and would fall in love with me and make love to me. Jennifer <Aquatic_Griffin_Queen@hotmail.com> Calgary, AB Canada - Thursday, June 02, 2005 at 00:24:43 (GMT) i wish to meet lil roemo soo much natasha <natashadabhi@hotmail.co.uk> preston, uk england - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 20:28:21 (GMT) i wish to meet and hang out with lil romeo natasha <naatshbadabhi@hotmail.co.uk> preston, uk england - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 20:27:07 (GMT) i would love to get a million dollars so i can support me and my family,and support my mother.she i suffering from altimers and i would love to help her and make her life better. chris hannum <cshyguy1969@cs.com> fort worth, tx u.s.a - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 06:26:29 (GMT) I wish comfort for those specific small furred ones as they go through their challenges. May they accept whatever is to come with dignity and may they not have to hurt. May their humans have courage and the wisdom to know what is right, and the means to make that happen. May the great Wakan Tanka guide them in this. T - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 17:21:27 (GMT) I wish we could spin web like spiderman I wish that we could do anything we wanted to do Markus - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 06:40:00 (GMT) I wish I had a school friend called Kylie Robins Markus Williams <jodyjdragon@yahoo.com.au> Sydney, N.S.W. Australia - Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 06:31:38 (GMT) I WISH THSAT YOU WILL CALL ME AT 5136659228 AND I LIVE ON 924 YORK STREET. ALSO I WISH THATMY GRANDMA CAN WIN1,00000ON THE LOTTERY SO SHE CAN GET ME AND MY COUSIN TO SING. PRECIOUS <PHELPSPRECIOUS@YAHOO.COM> CINCINNATI, OHIO - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 20:54:14 (GMT) PLEASE PLEASE IF YOU ARE REAL I WANT TO MEET LILROMEO AND I WANT TO BE WITH HIM UNTIL I DIE I HEARD HE ALREADY HAVE SOMEONE BUT I HOPE THATS NOT TRUE I WISH THAT ME AND HIM CAN SING TOGETHER AND MAKE WHAT EVERY THING WE WANT TOGETHER AND WHEN HE IS ON THE BUS ARE TOUR IAM WITH HIM ALWAYS BY HIS SIDE. precious <phelpsprecious@yahoo.com> cincinnati, ohio columbus - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 20:48:22 (GMT) I WISH I COULD WIN BOTH LOTTERY DRAWING THIS WEEKEND I WILL DONATE A LOT OF MONEY TO NEEDED PEOPLE SO I HOPE I WIN THANKS FOR LETTING ME MAKE MY WISH TAMMY ALEXANDER <SEASONALKITTY@YAHOO.COM> MONTGOMERY, AL UNITED STATED - Friday, May 27, 2005 at 15:54:19 (GMT) I wish amazing love and prosperity for Jeff and I. I also wish for Jessie Marie. Joy Greenwood <joyzzz33@yahoo.com> Sunrise, fl usa - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 13:40:02 (GMT) I wish for my mum to rediscover her true self Friend - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 12:03:21 (GMT) i wish that i find the love of my life, soulmate, soon Avani <avu23@hotmail.com> Skokie, IL America - Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 01:06:59 (GMT) I wish that Roxanne and Denae were here with me, I miss them everyday and can't imagine how perfect life would be to have them back again. Missing you everyday, love always and forever to my 2 best friends, u r irreplaceable!! Madeleine Pye <madeleinepye@gmail.com> Sydney, NSW Australia - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 11:35:52 (GMT) I wish that i could meet Lil Romeo i am so badky in love with him, i live in Australia and i hope he will can call me or send me an email, and if he loves his fans like he said he does he wil contact me cause im his no.1 fan thats how i hope that this wish will come true. Sarah <strawberry_kittens_333@msn.com> Sydney, N.S.W Australia - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 08:41:30 (GMT) Plz let Sara change her mind. I think she totally misjudged me (thanks to my ineptitude) but I know we are the perfect match for each other. I hope and pray that she rethinks about what I mean to her. Sri Menon <sriraj_menon@hotmail.com> Decatur, GA 30030 - Thursday, May 05, 2005 at 17:17:22 (GMT) I wish that this big cosmic superpower game between GOD and Satan where just about over. The battle for men wages on. And, I wish everyone who made there wishes comes true even the girl who wants Lilromeo! Tank <harrison3of4@msn.com> Brighton, CO USA - Sunday, May 01, 2005 at 05:47:50 (GMT) i want to see lilromeo family and house rrealgreen <www.rsgfriends@yahoo.com> greenbay, wisconsin unitedstates - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 14:51:17 (GMT) Please let me when the California lotto tonight. I feel lucky. David - Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 02:00:38 (GMT) i wish that i will have funny,good friends aileena jeane <aileenajeane_sienes@yahoo.com> Ormoc city, Leyte Philippines - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 09:26:11 (GMT) i wish i will study harder and to understand on my studies these coming 2nd year up to college aileena jeane <aileenajeane_sienes@yahoo.com> Ormoc city, Leyte Philippines - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 09:16:23 (GMT) I am sick with Lupus Neuphritis and would like to go to Orlando, Florida, with my family. I would like to hear from you , to see if my wish can come true. Ruby Gonzalez Pennsauken, NJ USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 19:35:51 (GMT) I wish that my family, relatives, friends, classmates, the people I know and the people who knows me will forget all that had happened since March 2005 regarding Jeremiah Ramos going in our house without my Mother's permission Camille <csiquian@gmail.com> Marikina, Philippines, Philippines - Monday, April 18, 2005 at 17:23:57 (GMT) I want to meet lilromeo in person so bad i am so glad to be on this site please tell him to call me at 1-847-782-8474 please and if im not there call at 1-815-575-2220 thank u and romeo i luv u so much i have your posters at my crib but i will talk to u later or see u later luv u bye tasia <tasiamoore101@yahoo.com> chicago, IL usa - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 00:16:23 (GMT) I WISH I WON THE TEXAS LOTTERY TODAY SINCE I CANT GET A JOB IN THIS CITY I JUST MOVED TO. THAT WOULD GIVE ME A CHANCE TO ACTUALLY SETTLE IN. RUDE MAN <DEFKON> SAN ANTONIO, TX USA - Saturday, April 09, 2005 at 16:20:41 (GMT) I know (wish) we'll win YCC, 2005. Jay - Monday, March 28, 2005 at 13:32:06 (GMT) I hope Eric Gagne is out for the season me <a_night_at_the_opera_39999@yahoo.com> mexico - Thursday, March 24, 2005 at 17:08:32 (GMT) i really love to meet romeo,he is a person that i have all ways looked up to.his cd romeoland justs makes me think there is love for me.being me is what i do best. Brittany cotto <ANNA18@ALLTEL.NET> elizabethtown, ky united states - Thursday, March 24, 2005 at 04:05:25 (GMT) I wish that I would never get in trouble again.And for world peace. B - Thursday, March 24, 2005 at 03:58:37 (GMT) I wish that I would never get in trouble again.And for world peace. Bobby - Thursday, March 24, 2005 at 03:58:15 (GMT) I wish that god would grant my wish that i make tonight for it would help the world. Robert - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 19:33:18 (GMT) i wish i had a ferrari jose denver, co - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 07:50:02 (GMT) i wish i was rich and famous and met alot of famous people and lived with LilRomo adriana denver , colorado USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 07:41:43 (GMT) i wish i was rich and famous.and also i wish i lived with Lil Romo adriana denver, c.o usa - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 07:38:05 (GMT) i wish i was rich and famous.and also i wish i live with lilromo adriana denver, c.o usa - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 07:35:21 (GMT) I, also, wish love for us... A - Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 05:00:33 (GMT) Please grant my ex husband's ex wife would be considerate toward him. M. Plantada <Mich2202@aol.com> Miami, Fl USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 21:20:35 (GMT) I WISH PEACE IN MY FAMILY, GOOD HEALTH, AND PROSPERITY. sonja cain <sonjamulford@hotmail.com> waterloo, sc laurens - Monday, March 14, 2005 at 13:07:02 (GMT) I wish for kitty to remember hunger, and act upon it... and for strength to return to him. I wish for kitty's people the strength and wisdom they need. A - Friday, March 11, 2005 at 04:31:27 (GMT) I wish that whatever is wrong with the car won't be TOO expensive... I wish for the car to visualize itself to be whole and perfect... no hurt, no harm to anyone... Dawn - Friday, March 11, 2005 at 04:30:16 (GMT) I wish that I had friends that dont make fun of me. B - Thursday, March 10, 2005 at 04:32:26 (GMT) grant my wish that i will say tonight Robert - Wednesday, March 09, 2005 at 21:17:42 (GMT) grant my wish tonight George - Wednesday, March 09, 2005 at 21:17:05 (GMT) i wish i could find a relashinship kristy woodstock , ont canada - Tuesday, March 01, 2005 at 18:55:48 (GMT) i wish for wild aminals who need help and i would provide care, food, water, love and a nice homes for them. andrew piazza <apiazza1@tampabay.rr.com> largo, fl us - Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 23:50:10 (GMT) I wish I will be very, very wealthy and healthy for the sake of my family and others who need me. Darlen May Lim <maylimpascual@sbcglobal.net> Riverside, Ca USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 08:07:00 (GMT) I wish that where ever Kamran is he can feel it in his whole body how mueel the same way for me. Icey - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 04:44:48 (GMT) I wish I would win this 6/49 draw jc - Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 01:39:36 (GMT) I wish Bobby would stop bothering me about Rachel and they could go out again...hes driving me crazy! M - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 22:32:00 (GMT) i wish that i will clear this wipro test and i will get this job.please help me god nandhini - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 06:28:57 (GMT) Just kiddin Bobby - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 04:51:27 (GMT) I wish Rachel Would go back out with me. Bobby <> IL USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 03:41:18 (GMT) I wish Rachel Would go back out with me and i would have eternal love for her Bobby <> IL USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 03:40:41 (GMT) I wish there was world peace. I also wish that I could have super powers like Danny Phantom. M - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 03:31:34 (GMT) i wish my family could do good i wish i can make good grades love you ronekia - Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 21:59:42 (GMT) I wish I had 20,000$ i need it for shoes thanks ronekia - Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 21:55:53 (GMT) i wish i have a luck and good fortune become rich and helping people who need.this year 2005 hanidah ahmad laini <hanieboy@brunet.bn> jln kota batu, bsb brunei darussalam - Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 07:41:56 (GMT) I wish so much as it harms none. That Dawn and anyone who wishes here shall have their wishes come true. Scott Rohnert Park, CA USA - Friday, February 18, 2005 at 04:58:36 (GMT) I wish that Kimberly loves me. I - Saturday, February 12, 2005 at 18:54:13 (GMT) I wish for my friend strength, so he may do what he must... no hurt, no harm to anyone... A - Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 05:21:15 (GMT) I wish i could meet lilromo i wish jasmine <jas1239@aol.com> miami, fl dadecountry - Thursday, February 03, 2005 at 23:20:50 (GMT) I wish that I can get accepted into a medical school in boston for the fall of 2005. Jay - Wednesday, February 02, 2005 at 19:39:55 (GMT) earlylight i wish that i will have a 5 free samsung cellphones this febuary 1,2005 Aileena Jeane <aileenajeane_sienes@yahoo.com> Ormoc City, Philippines - Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 08:18:54 (GMT) I would like to see fullfillment in my life. Donna <teardrop4me@hotmail.com> Cambridge, Canada - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 21:17:49 (GMT) I know it's all wrong, but I can't feel differently about it. When the time is right, in this incarnation or the next, I need to be united with my love. I haven't seen him in 25 years. He is on the other side of the country. We have separate lives. I shouldn't still care so much--but I do, and I guess I always will, in a way not limited by time. Sad, huh? Soror Argonaut <aangelis7@yahoo.com> USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 at 06:01:25 (GMT) I wish for a win in lotto, to complete building our home Rae Australia - Monday, January 24, 2005 at 00:45:33 (GMT) i wish i had a digimon of my own with a digivice and a crest and tag and if you can please bring it tommorow warren pruitt <pruittscrmntat@aol> Pheonix, az glendale - Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 19:00:14 (GMT) I wish that All the Troops very good luck in Iraq. Hope they all return safe and sound to their families. And also to save enough money for what i want in life. brenda - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 23:34:39 (GMT) Ah to find the way to see through to the future of which we spake, with no hurt nor harm to anyone A - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 04:42:04 (GMT) I wish to have long hair like the singer beyonce i wish to have long fingernails i wish to have a singing voice like beyonce i wish lilromeo the percy romeo miller to live beside me i wish to have magic power i wish to be physchic i wish all my wish i just say come true by tomorrow Brittany Rashawn Bell <princessbell12@hotmail.com> Ahoskie, NC Ahsokie - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 03:05:12 (GMT) My Wish is to get a car so I could go back to school,get my Ged,Massage Therapy license an my Manicure and Pediure license. I wish to have my own buisness,both mobile and stationary and help the senior citizens. Right now I can't even pay regular bills with no job or education. Frankie Chick <frankiechick@hotmail.com> Greenville, SC US - Sunday, January 09, 2005 at 13:56:42 (GMT) My wish is to get a car so I can go back to school so I can get my GED and a Massage Therapy License and a Manicure license. I want to have my own buisness mobile and stationary. Right now I'm truly suffering and poor not being able to pay just regular bills. Frankie Chick <frankiechick@hotmail.com> Greenville, SC US - Sunday, January 09, 2005 at 13:47:56 (GMT) I WISH I WANT TO CHANGE MY LIFE OF THE YEAR OF 2005. I WISH I WANT TO HAVE SEXY, BEAUTIFUL BODY. ALSO, PRETTY FACE, TOO. I WISH I WANT TO HAVE PERFECT DANCER AND PERFECT SINGER, TOO. PLEASE DON'T LET MY WISHES DOWN. LET MY WISHES COME TRUE. PLEASE!!!!! CLAUDIA <angelsweetheartprincess@yahoo.com> Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, January 08, 2005 at 04:27:36 (GMT) Aid and comfort to our small friends in need... when it is hard to know how to help, let us be able to help most in our caring. Dawn - Friday, January 07, 2005 at 07:22:16 (GMT) Stop a moment and think about the earthquake and tsunami-ravaged areas of the planet. If you'd like to help by making a donation to the American Red Cross via Amazon.com, please take the following link:
Cob - Friday, January 07, 2005 at 07:18:34 (GMT) I wish that S.G Will fall in love with me again, that he would accept my love and he would love me too. J - Sunday, January 02, 2005 at 17:41:58 (GMT) I wish for the words of the 3 psychics to come true. Lainie <lainiejudith@yahoo.com> Chula Vista, CA USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 21:21:57 (GMT) I truly wish for Rick to have a change in heart and seek reconciliation with me. I miss the man I started to fall for... Gina <gina-veronica@earthlink.net> Menlo Park, CA USA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 21:18:45 (GMT) Thank you for wishes granted. I wish for B. to accept the love I have to offer. Diana - Monday, December 27, 2004 at 03:16:42 (GMT) Another Solstice is here. The Light is reborn in the womb of darkness - we celebrate as the days begin to grow longer again. Joy, Health, Love and Peace Cob Somewhere, On the Web - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 01:44:17 (GMT) happy christms for everyone! zyanp <jxzhangyanping@yeah.net> SHENZHEN, GD China - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 13:50:58 (GMT) I wish for thee strength, comfort, and love. R - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 06:02:05 (GMT) I wish for a chance to explore a relationship with B. and hope for a long and successful union. Karen - Friday, December 03, 2004 at 04:02:03 (GMT) Health to my Dad and strength. Strength too to the family. Dawn - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 03:13:22 (GMT) Strength to my friend in these tough times, and courage. A - Monday, November 22, 2004 at 16:36:31 (GMT) May God give me peace of my mind and direct the path of my loved ones and give me and my family good health,success in everything we do and prosperity.May God grant me my wishes tonight and light my life and the lives in need. Sandra - Sunday, November 21, 2004 at 22:32:05 (GMT) I wish that wisdom will be present when the specialists review the results of my father's tests, that proper conclusions are reached, and that appropriate and healing treatments will occur. No hurt, no harm to anyone. So may it be. Dawn - Sunday, November 14, 2004 at 06:05:45 (GMT) I wish for peace and serenity in my life and the lives of those I love. Diana - Saturday, November 06, 2004 at 21:02:26 (GMT) Oidhche Shamhna Shona Dhuibh! MagPy - Monday, November 01, 2004 at 04:53:01 (GMT) I wish that all will be well, and the pain will resolve. A - Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 06:04:20 (GMT) I wish it weren't so difficult to get through the day-to-day of it. mi - Monday, October 11, 2004 at 01:35:32 (GMT) I wish for God's help in seeing J through the months ahead. I wish for God's help in granting her a successful outcome. I wish for true and lasting love with the object of my affection. I wish my children the successes they aspire to. I wish that my financial situation becomes stable. Thank you. Diana - Wednesday, October 06, 2004 at 14:41:15 (GMT) I wish for my friend comfort, truth, love and trust in the love of friends. I wish for myself that future half-glimpsed in dream-state, where these wishes are all fulfilled. A Nonny Mouse - Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 06:47:48 (GMT) I wish for us. R - Monday, September 27, 2004 at 03:57:57 (GMT) I wish for _us_. A - Sunday, September 26, 2004 at 04:01:42 (GMT) forget! Myw - Friday, September 24, 2004 at 05:52:11 (GMT) The Time of Balance is Nigh We acknowledge how we have grown, and those who have helped us to grow. May we remember to tell the people in our lives how truly grateful we are to have them there. Cob Somewhere, On The Web - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 07:12:05 (GMT) I do, I do, I do believe in Faeries... Cob - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 02:43:22 (GMT) I wish this would work after the server move... Cob <cob@wishfaery.com> Somewhere, On The Web - Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 04:30:59 (GMT) I wish my friend could know how very much this friendship means to me. A Nonny Mouse - Friday, September 17, 2004 at 22:07:08 (EDT) only the one denied everything did such bad cheap thing! RACH CHINA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 05:38:44 (EDT) I wish that our friendship will grow ever closer over the years a nonny mouse - Sunday, September 12, 2004 at 16:34:37 (EDT) if not doing so much things, i will never know the truth! then i will never learn from it! never trust people except your friends! never let others know what you think from your face! RACH - Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 06:49:55 (EDT) hope everything is fine for all people i love! RACH CHINA - Friday, September 10, 2004 at 10:19:30 (EDT) now that you take away my everything, deny but cover and say something to make people confused and misunderstand. you may lie to people in the world especially me, but you may not lie to yourself. RACH CHINA - Friday, September 10, 2004 at 05:06:22 (EDT) how can they treat me so badly? i never do something unhappy to them. i just don't help the one who treat me badly, no harm to them; even the one treat me badly, i have never hurt them also. why not let me forget everything? RACH CHINA - Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 10:35:30 (EDT) is there someone understand how i feel and make me feel better? nobody but myself. RACH CHINA - Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 10:24:23 (EDT) i'll not bear but protect myself when someone meant to hurt me!!! RACH China - Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 04:17:05 (EDT) I wish my friend to know how I love and cherish our friendship and love, and feel comfort therein. A - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 11:43:44 (EDT) Love for all my friends! Rach China - Saturday, September 04, 2004 at 07:01:43 (EDT) I wish for my friend, for whom I feel great love, true happiness. me - Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 22:39:47 (EDT) I wish Good Fortune for Dawn :-) Sarah - Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 19:55:33 (EDT) I wish I could get 50 laksh lottery Anitha Manikantan <maanitha@yahoo.com> Bangalore, Karnataka India - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at 06:59:14 (EDT) Thank you, Well... for sending me this comfort, for sending me this Friend. And so I shall be content, even happy - more than I ever expected to be. a nonny mouse - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 02:39:26 (EDT) I wish that somehow a way would be there to honorably pursue some happiness without hurting so many others. Do thou no harm is the whole of the law - and so, as long as existing items are as they are, do nothing, I shall. a nonny mouse - Monday, August 16, 2004 at 03:30:59 (EDT) I wish that my creations would find a healthy marketplace, furthering income for me and mine so the cashflow isn't so tight... no hurt, no harm to anyone, so may it be! me again - Sunday, August 08, 2004 at 14:43:20 (EDT) i wish i was skinnier, prettier,and 1 inch shorter. Ashley Hall Crowley, tx USA - Monday, August 02, 2004 at 23:56:01 (EDT) i wish my mom had twins a boy and a girl elisha michelle parker <darkcat> conway, sc USA - Monday, August 02, 2004 at 12:26:21 (EDT) i wish this had the date feature working cob - Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 20:20:25 (EDT) I wish my eyes will keep seeing until I have seen all that needs to be seen. I wish that my ears will keep hearing until I have heard all that must be heard. I wish that I can bear to feel as long as there is something that needs to be felt. Eyes, see; Ears, hear; heart, beat and mind, think. another wisher - i wish he love me forever, and always be together with me. the day without him is so sad, i don't know what did i do at night, i just miss him, miss him. xiao yue <xy0816@yahoo.com> west hartford, CT USA - I wish for Shuis to be together again! so sad without them. And i wish to get to know the people at RA's better and for them to like me. I also wish my mum would leave us alone to be happy. Megs sydney, NSW Australia - i wish he would fall deeply in love with me and we would have a great relationship again and get married liana - my wih is again is that i could have wishing powers at 6701nw 21 steet sunrise florida tha time 4:59 okay i want this to work anderson scantlebury sunrise , florida usa - my wishis that you could bring me wishing powers at my hose at 5:00 the house is 6701 nw 21 street 33313 sunrise florida. anderson scantlebury sunrise, fl usa - i wish crue, and scott mike will fall madly in love with me ? <?> - I wish that life would get easier. It is so hard to keep going, keep my chin up, not think about giving it all up... why can't there be happy thoughts again? ::tear:: Ethan Smock <Iamwargreymon7@aol.com> - i wish that my friend scotty rowe and his mom would move back to bucyrus in the riverview estates apartments and to write me a leter to say when they would come over to see me. and that his mother would think that im a good kid and a good influence to heer son scotty, and that he can go to summer camp at the fairway waycraft school this summer. and that scotty can visit his brother every month with his mother. jim ackerman new washington, ohio united states of america - I wish that Newcastle United Win tonight... James Lee <aquarius_0023@yahoo.com> SIN, Singapore - Tonight I wish...that everyone's wish would come true, that all my friends and family will find happiness in their lives and keep it that way. I also wish...that he would talk to me, and that I could have him back for good this time. Please. And hey, just for the heck of it, I wish for more drama and fun in my life. Much love to all <3 ~**KaLeIgH**~ - i wish that i could say mad crazy without people laughing at me j - I wish that I will find my purpose in life. That my successes and failures as a person will make me stronger for every one. May everyone's wish come true. Keep it real, wishing fountain. Jason <jsnao@hotmail.com> Cookeville, TN - kaleigh in my bed..right now..haha stacy - I wish all my dreams come true with JM stella <onlyforyoutamatoa@yahoo.fr> - Joy, Health, Love, Peace and Prosperity to all those who have worked so hard this past year. May this year be the very best one yet! No hurt, no harm to anyone... so may it be! - I wish for love,I know a man 5 months ago and I hope all my dreams with him come true!!!My love for him will never die...until the end of time!!! stella <onlyforyoutamatoa@yahoo.fr> - Good health and happiness for my friend,family,all!!!I wish that me and the man I love will be happy forever and ever...I hope all my dreams with him come true...peace in the world. stella <onlyforyoutamatoa@yahoo.fr> - I WISH THAT ERIC GAUCH WILL LOVE ME AND I HOPE HE WILL KISS ME BY THE END OF THE YEAR. Duvall <duvie2000@carolina.rr.com> charolotte, nc usa - i would like to try to keep my grades up, have fun with life. Duvall <duvie2000@carolina.rr.com> charolotte, NC united states - iwhsfor savy and foxney to makepassions ratings go down and for all odd couples to ruin passions. clarencefields <clarencefields@htomail.com> syracuse, ny usa - Hi Lax <ralakshmanan@hotmail.com> Noida, UP India - Good Health and Happiness for my friends,family,all!! Karen <karenkay46@hotmail.com> - I wish to find true love with the one I have in mind. I wish my one time friend and I could put our differences behind us and be friends again. G - Monday, December 08, 2003 at 22:53:21 (EST) wish he would come back to me and stay forever. wish we marry each other next year. wish he would keep in touch regularly, like daily and wish he takes me out each weekend saturday and sunday.wish he would stay with me forever, and love only me more and more each day forever. Maitreya <maitreya_v@hotmail.com> - Friday, December 05, 2003 at 09:18:17 (EST) i wish that me and shahar will get back together again, and that we will be happy. liat <shugi10@walla.co.il> Nazareth Elit, Israel - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 08:21:16 (EST) My wish is that my husband finds a job. That both of us have better health, I soon, get back to work, and we get out of financial difficulties. Deborah Jordan <JORDAN.D@rcn.com> Allentown, Pa U.S.A. - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 22:45:18 (EST) I am so crazy about Tim, and couldn't forget him. I wish that he would make the initiative to talk to me again. I feel really bad because I took his attention for granted before The Blue Serpent <shantseiwun@yahoo.com> - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 18:59:51 (EST) I am so crazy about Tim, and couldn't forget him. I wish that he would make the initiative to talk to me again. I feel really bad because I took his attention for granted before The Blue Serpent - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 18:59:32 (EST) I wish for healing, strength, understanding and patience while this phase is here. I wish to not take the expressions of frustration personally, but to understand them for what they are. I wish most of all for wholeness of body and mind to return to him, and let him walk freely and independently once more. No hurt, no harm to anyone ~ so may it be. mi <Mi> here, and now - Friday, October 10, 2003 at 03:45:41 (EDT) uit en in michelle <az//65> mikl, 28 hint - Monday, October 06, 2003 at 11:45:27 (EDT) I wish for the insight to change my life. NB Concord, - Friday, September 05, 2003 at 23:25:00 (EDT) I WISH FOR WORLD PEACE!! I WISH WE CAN LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT CRIME, THEFT, WAR, ETC. I WISH EVERYONE A HEALTHY AND HAPPY LIFE BECAUSE LIFE IS TOO SHORT. SPEND LIFE WITHOUT BLAME, GUILT, ANGER, REVENGE...THERE ARE MANY THINGS WE SHOULD NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED. I THANK GOD EVERYDAY FOR PROVIDING ME WITH THE ESSENTIAL NEEDS. I WISH WE ALL LIVE A HAPPY LIFE.... Fatima Ghiassy <bahari21@yahoo.com> Fremont, CA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 04:27:06 (EDT) ????????????????????????,????????????????????,??????????????????,????????????????????????.????????????!!! zhongjuan <rails@mail.china.com> shenzhen, guangdong china - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 09:29:15 (EDT) I wish for world peace, and for my troubled teenager to get his act together and have a good life! Carol <carol.norton@csfb.com> San Jose, - Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 18:03:56 (EDT) I WISH FOR A BETTER DAY THEN I HAD TODAY AND FOR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE TO WANT ME BACK ROMEO MORGAN <POTROAST 11@HOTMAIL.COM> - Friday, July 18, 2003 at 00:23:53 (EDT) i wish i could have good luck like want whatever my family needs or wants! samantha <www.tottally_sammy_08@yahoo.com> greenwood, sc usa - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 00:08:52 (EDT) His confidence and sense of responsibility attract me! I wish he will hold me hand again. Annabel <eweiaway@hotmail.com> Guangzhou, China - Friday, July 11, 2003 at 03:06:34 (EDT) His confidence and sense of pesponsibility attract me! I wish he will hold me hand again. Annabel <eweiaway@hotmail.com> Guangzhou, China - Friday, July 11, 2003 at 03:05:01 (EDT) My daughter's grandad has had parkinson's for about 6 years. His health has steadily declined, and they have now removed him from his medications and sustenance, and he is, of course, now dying, in a nursing home, unaware. May his death be easy and quick, and may those who still live always remember and honor him. God bless us each with our heart's desires. Aangelis VA - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 11:50:12 (EDT) none Donnel <zummer_17@yahoo.com> philipines - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 01:17:37 (EDT) I wish to find many wishing wells on my outing this weekend with my true love, Simon! Kim Christine - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 at 13:08:38 (EDT) I wish Fiza will realize that I'm the one she loves and needs, I wish she'll see that and comes to me, because I love her more than life itself Jai <joaquim_4life@yahoo.com> - Saturday, April 19, 2003 at 13:40:13 (EDT) I wish for me nad my brother to have the opwers from charmed. For me to have pippers and for my brother to have pru's. BRITTANY <prettygirl1111@aol.com> AUSTIN, TX U.S. - Saturday, April 19, 2003 at 09:54:49 (EDT) I wish The man I fell in love with Dr. Philip Thesing would call me and say he feels the same way. Anne Rutman <Dreambat60@Webtv.net> Portsmouth, Oh usa - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 11:24:32 (EDT) I wish to find true love soon! Jay IN US - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 08:13:20 (EST) I wish closure of old wounds and love of what the future and God has for me. Dan <balrogbane@hotmail.com> Sacramento, CA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 21:01:32 (EST) I wish for happiness, safety and good health for all! Deb - Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 06:46:40 (EST) I wish the person I love can love me back as the way I love Him. And wishing the peace in the middle east and some asian countries. And I'm wishing too that I can built or remodel my house for my bro. and sis. in the philippines. Veronica <vlawas@msn.com> Scottsdale, AZ United States - Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 11:38:59 (EST) I wish happiness and endless love to all my friends and loved ones! Angelface - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 07:04:28 (EST) I wish that Lindsay finds a way to be completed fulfilled win life. I wish that those close to me stay happy, healthy and continue succeeding in life. I wish for God to continue guiding me through life, helping me to become successful. I wish for Becky to succeed in life and continue's to develop into an amazing person, despite the fact that she did not see our relationship as a good fit for her. I wish for peace in the world. I wish for Pete and Clarice to have an amazing marriage. I wish that God can take all the wishes I have in my head and take notice due to the fact that I do not have the time to wish them all now. I wish to continue developing into a strong, intelligenct, caring, sensitive young man that is a positive force in many others' lives. Thank you. Paul Calgary, AB Canada - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 14:06:56 (EST) I WANT KITTY! sexmachine anytown, tn us - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 01:56:51 (EST) I wish that Lauren would be happy, that I would be happy, that Kaleigh would be happy....I wish that this wish would work. Jason <jsnao@hotmail.com> Huntingdon, TN USA - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 01:45:59 (EST) I wish... For him. I want him back. And in the meantime, I want my friend to find happiness. ~**Kitty**~ - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 01:42:25 (EST) i wish to live my life loving and honoring sarah. the coyote - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 01:46:44 (EST) I wishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :) Ippy <kat_11661g@yahoo.com> australia - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 20:17:32 (EST) I wish for Craig and I to be together. dianewatson <dianewatson44@hotmail.com> Tenerife, canary islands - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 12:55:16 (EST) I wish I had a horse and money to buy feed and keep it at a stable. Kaleigh <kaybryn@msn.com> Glen Rock, nj United States - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 16:42:13 (EST) i would like to make a wish for my great grand mother she is 66 years old she has raise me and my other brothers and sisters it is 5 of us all together she has been struggling to raise us on her own ever sense my great grand pa died she has been denied food stamps several times she also recently found out she has kidney failure which makes things even harder for her iam the oldest iam 16 my brother jamel is 15 mytwin sister shana 9 and charmaine is 9 and daquan 12 please help me to help my great grand ma enjoy the rest of her life i would like to send on a trip or a shopping spree she deserves the world but i cant give it to her and i would appreciate if you would help me send my only mom on a trip or a shopping spree any thing to make her happy yours truly keishanna jones keishanna jones <wild star @ aol.com> brooklyn, ny america - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 13:39:25 (EST) I hope for the best outcome for those who have been ill. I hope for the love of my eternal desire. I wish for him to contact me and tell me that things are different for him. I have not seen him for so long. May it be in conformance with Will. So mote it be. Ziyudaa <aangelis7@yahoo.com> VA USA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 14:26:58 (EST) I am wishing for a better day tomorrow than I had today. no hurt no harm to anyone Webmissing - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 01:32:52 (EDT) My wish is to return soon to Nanchong and visit some old friends. Wayne Moffat <buzby90@hotmail,com> Calgary, AB Canada - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 17:43:50 (EDT) I wish that I could have a chance again someday to be with my first & truest love. Sometime again in this lifetime. Gail - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 13:57:39 (EDT) I wish that the strides made towards health continue and are strengthened daily. Much Joy, Much Health, Much Life. May it be so! Cob <Cob> Somewhere, On The Web - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 22:39:17 (EDT) I am making a wish for a cancer women who definetly needs help. Her name is Deanna Fog. She resides at 730 W. 8th Street. Erie, PA16502. She needs a van with a whelchair lift. She is now taking radiation for her brain cancer she has. She has 2 brain cancers in her head. She recently just had one taking out. And another one came back in the same spot as well as another one in the other side of her head. I don't have a eye idea how long she would have to live her on this earth. I personally don't think to long but who knows but God himself. However she has long to live. I would like her to travel in comfort instead of the vechile she has now. That is my wish. I pray to God and to whoever grants these wishes that you can help her out. Please help her. She needs the help. Got to go. She is going to the cancer society in Erie on 12th Street. If you feel you need to check this out. Be my guest.Got to go am crying. Please help her please. REX FUller REX Fuller <fullerexe@aol.com> Erie,, PA Erie - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 17:00:59 (EDT) wish he would come to me real soon and luv me, miss me the way I miss him. Wish I could know him better. Wish he would tell me he loves me as much as I do. Wish we could be together always. wish he would come back to me. Wish he would accept me as I am and stop being petty. wish he would ask me to hang out with him more often and discover that he wants to spend more time with me. Wish he would marry only me and not get involved with any other woman in his entire life. wish he would commit to me. wish we could have a happy lifetime together. Wish he would remember my birthday and call me and hope im there to take the call. Wish he would go with me only for every show not with any other woman. asdfg <asdfg@asdfg.com> -, - - - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 06:52:45 (EDT) I wish to strike the lottery and get a really big prize money ,so that i can build a comfy home for my family Satvinder Singh <sat_1719@yahoo.com> Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 21:47:11 (EDT) I wish for my son to have a very good year during his journey through the first grade! I wish you the best my baby boy! Amber <violet_taisa@yahoo.com> Wilmington, N.C. USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 18:23:46 (EDT) I wish for my boyfriend robbie to be the loving man that he once was whitch would mean he will not stand me up tomorrow! I would feel so much better if he would just call me now to reasure me that he is gonna show up on time tomorrow! Amber <violet_taisa@yahoo.com> Wilmington, North Carolina USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 18:21:02 (EDT) I wish for my boyfriend robbie to keep his word about our date for tomorrow night(Sunday)for we need some alone time for once! Amber <violet_taisa@yahoo.com> Wilmington, N.C. USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 18:15:35 (EDT) I wish my doctor who knows how I feel would return his feelings and call me and let me know , I would be the happiest person in the world. Anne Rutman <RickEAdkins@Webtv.net > - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 10:01:01 (EDT) I WISH MY DOCTOR PHIL THESING WOULD SHOW ME HE IS INTERESTED IN ME AND GIVE ME A CALL. ANNE RUTAN <RickEAdkins@Webtv.net> PORTSMOUTH, OH USA - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 09:56:46 (EDT) I wish for my parents the best of health, and some answers that will effect cures. May their world resume its ordinary patterns once again. Ar n-Athair a tha air n?amh, gu naomhaichear d'ainm. Thigeadh do r?ochachd. D?anar do thoil air an talamh, mar a n?thear air n?amh. Tabhair dhuinn an-diugh ar n-aran l?itheil. Agus maith dhuinn ar fiachan, amhail a mhaitheas sinne dar luchd-fiach. Agus na leig ann am buaireadh sinn; ach saor sinn o olc; oir is leatsa an r?oghachd, agus an cumhachd, agus a' ghl?ir, gu s?orraidh. Amen. Dawn <@> Santa Clara, CA USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 03:00:39 (EDT) i wish that i am definatly not the father of natalies unborn baby and that i find this out for definate tonight! Sweens - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 16:39:55 (EDT) I wish that I get this interview (and the job offer) that I really really want... Not many people applied, so I hope I stand out! Kate USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 23:49:21 (EDT) I am wishing to get a job soon. Webmissing - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 16:12:35 (EDT) I just wish that the guy that i like can like me back and be with me for the rest of our lifes please Davon come back with me Maritza Brentwood, - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 21:38:54 (EDT) I wish every day would be as good as the first day God began His creations.I also wish everyone who visits this site to make a wish, will find God and makes Him the Lord of their lives. Linda - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 22:39:58 (EDT) I hope all my dreams with Mallaupukka come true Olli Jankeri <proud.mary@luukku.com> Jaala, Finland - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 12:05:31 (EDT) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? zhongjuan <lovedouzi@btamail.net.cn> nanchong, sichuan china - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:38:21 (EDT) ??????????????????????,??????????????! hongwei liu <okm994@sohu.com> mianyang, sichuan china - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:36:25 (EDT) i hope that i will do the correct thing this time. and the god , belsse me . zhongjuan <lovedouzi@btamail.net.cn> nanchong, sichuan china - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:36:20 (EDT) I wish the person I love can love me back the same way. Dazed <amtully@yahoo.com> - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 18:45:39 (EDT) i wash my mother will always happy and will always love me . i hope she is never leave. zhongjuan <mizi@btamail.net.cn> nanchong, sichuan china - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:05:21 (EDT) nice to see this web. douzi <lovedouzi@btamail.net.cn> shenzhen, guangdong china - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 10:59:32 (EDT) I wish to strike lottery & be rich. Tan - Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 23:10:32 (EDT) i wish i pass for my board exams with the marks i expect , please please please shilpy <achtungbabe19@yahoo.com> - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 12:23:43 (EDT) I wish for my friend Kenny to fall madly in love with me!!! Melissa - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 22:46:29 (EDT) the powers that be know the wish that is in my heart... I wish that it would have an obvious start..... bud <loveyou@wowmail.com> vineland, nj usa - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 18:38:44 (EDT) I wish all good things for the proprietress of this fountain. There is one that despite myself, I still long for, though there is no hope. I wish for a change in possibilities. Ziyudaa <aanelis7@yahoo.com> - Friday, May 03, 2002 at 16:52:11 (EDT) I hope I see the "chemistry guy" again. Jay IN US - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 21:37:50 (EDT) i wish that david would tell me that he loves me and wants to marry me. renee <sbsbbieblu@aol.com> nashville, tn 37209 - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 20:01:03 (EDT) I wish my aunt will get together with the man she loves and he will show his love for her and he will mean she needs a symbol his love to her like a ring or something nicki <nicki3616> oh. - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 15:47:24 (EDT) I wish for world peace and I wish the guy i havent been seeing very long will let me know in someway his love for me suzy <sfields> michigan, oh. usa - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 15:39:15 (EDT) I wish I will get together with my boyfriend and talk again his name is Tim and we will get closer. sheri <lioness@aol.com> dayton, oh. montgomry - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 15:33:22 (EDT) I wish that I would win the lottery Robert Russo <benz72982@a0l.com> River Vale, NJ USA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 00:08:21 (EDT) good to all kissi - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:36:31 (EST) i mbe wishing for an honeast way toaker a mill kissie - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:34:43 (EST) A prayer for your loved ones Olga <othomefront@sbcglobal.net> Oakland, CA USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 15:13:06 (EST) I wish this melancholoy sadness would melt away and reveal the beauty within. Deacon Grey <ithiimir@aol.com> - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 17:38:09 (EST) I wish I could fly. brandy <dizzygoo@hotmail.com> osage beach, mo usa - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 12:58:02 (EST) I wish that he may see his own strengths, and Believe, so that all good things may come unto him. Airleis <Airleis> West of the Sunrise, yet East of the Moon - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 15:49:08 (EST) i wish i was skinnier,prettier,smarter,and graceful. princess rose - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 17:36:41 (EST) I wish I had someone true and honest in my love. Someone I can fall in love with. Mel - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 19:35:52 (EST) I WISH I COULD GET THROUSH MY BOARD EXAMS AND ENTRANCE EXAMS WITH FLYING COLOURS.I ALSO WISH TO HAVE MY FRIENDS THROUGH OUT MY LIFE Arjun <arjunc_2002@nospam.yahoo.com> kerala INDIA - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 03:55:46 (EST) Draga fintina a dorintelor....As vrea ca,macar astazi,pentru 5 minute,lumea sa fie perfect sanatoasa,fericita,indestulata si plina de dragoste fata de DUMNEZEU ! Si as mai vrea ca,prietena mea sa traiasca cea mai frumoasa poveste de dragoste din viata ei...Ce zici ? Imi implinesti dorintele ? Te rog! Si iti multumesc ! Ana Maria <anacatalinaro@nospam.yahoo.com> Bucuresti, ROMANIA - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 10:12:47 (EST) i wish for today peace, love, joy , happiness to be shared by all and most of all who read this i wish peace within so happiness can come love ev1 Lillie Cieniawa <Ketona81342@csnospam..com> Summerfield, fla marion - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 06:31:12 (EST) My wish is a secret. Only God knows it and he would be the one to help me and my family. Carmen Medina <Carmen.I.Medina@nospam.chase.com> Brooklyn, NY Kings - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 13:22:25 (EST) i wish that i could meet Michael Jackson so bad i am going to be a singing just like you i love you so much i will die for you i go crazy for you chelsi denae evans <wow200123@nospam.hotmail.com> San Diego, CA, CA mira mase - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 17:52:15 (EST) I wish that I will always have the strength inside to build up the institution where it will be a safe place for abuse survivors to heal and to learn to love themselves. Xoan - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 22:58:44 (EST) I wish for my Dad to be better soon so he can go home and hug his little dog! Dorothy Raining Like Cats & Dogs, OZ - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 19:43:32 (EST) I wish that my X would stop acting so stuck up and atleast b my friend! I cried over him and he doesn't even want to make me feel better by being my friend! I still have feelings for him but the truth remains: he's gone!!!:( ---------Brittany-beefee#1 "B"ee"F"ee #1 <hot4ugbg@nospam.yahoo.com> Whiteville, NC US - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 20:24:31 (EST) I WISH THAT I WILL BE A GOOD FRIEND TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. AND COULD CONTROL MY TEMPER BECOUSE I KNOW 1 DAY THEY WILL BE GONE, AND I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO BACK IN TIME AND SAY THAT I AM SORRY:(------LIZZARD Elizabeth <pepsikitten_eg@nospam.yahoo.com> whiteville, n.c US - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 20:17:19 (EST) i want to wish 4 alot of things and i hope they will all come true!!! will they?!??! lets just say i hope - okie*dokie- lizzard beefee <lizzard842er@nospam.yahoo.com> whiteville, nc us - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 20:09:59 (EST) Last February my childhood friend, his wife and two kids, were all killed in a car accident. I wish all those that have lost a loved one peace. A Well Wisher - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 14:30:21 (EST) I wish, I wish the hurt would go away and I wish love and happiness for everyone Sharon Willette <sharonann78@nospam.hotmail.com> - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 00:37:34 (EST) I wish that healing will be smooth and uneventful Dawn - Monday, December 10, 2001 at 12:32:36 (EST) I ran a stop sign and hurt my parent's trust more than anything else. I wish I could get over that. Brent P. <PertPlus@nospam.mail.com> Annville, PA USA - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 20:42:49 (EST) Deseo que Antonio descubra lo que realmente quiere de la vida y yo tambien. Quiero dar gracias al Universo por mis tres hermosos y sanos hijos Leonor <midiada@nospam.hotmail.com> San Jose, Costa Rica - Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 10:59:00 (EST) in this life we live so long for another wish Cob Somewhere, On the Web - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 21:56:12 (EST) will me and alies see each other sunday and form then on will we get maried and have kids and be in love forever pam cross <crosspub@nospam.aol.com> conley, ga usa - Friday, November 09, 2001 at 21:38:31 (EST) My friend was in a car accident today, and was killed. I am so sad, I don't know what to do. Her sister and my other friend are still in critical condition... I am so very upset. I wish her parents the best, and the other two girls the power to make it through. Were here Laura, Alicia and Ileen. May you rest in peace Laura. :( Ethan <Iamwargreymon7@nospam.aol.com> PA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 17:34:54 (EST) i have been working since i was 15 years old it seems like it was alfor nothing here i am 32 years old trying to take care of my family but im failing them big time. i wish i had the means to take care of them better. LITTLE GREER <sirge357@nospam.hotmail.com> minneapolis, mn usa - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 01:10:20 (EST) Conas ta tu, mo chara? Nigh do l?mha le gall?nach! Eiru - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 21:58:15 (EDT) This is silly, I know. But it's four against one and no one will listen to me. The fur is just a-flyin' tonight. I wish Ringo and Calvin would make peace and be friends. It would just be so much easier. Calvin needs our help but Ringo just doesn't understand. If there is a Kitty God out there, please send Ringo a message (and be sure to cc: Minnie, Mattie and Tigg Meister). Many thanks, Webmiss Webmiss <webmiss@nospam.littleshopoferin.com> Catville, CA USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 21:51:44 (EDT) i would like to wish all the happiness to my dear nimmi HARCHARAN SINGH ARORA <hsingharora@nospam.yahoo.co.in> kolkata, wb india - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 02:16:03 (EDT) I guess I must be wishing on... someone else's star... It seems like someone else keeps getting what I'm wishing for... Why can't I be as lucky as those other people are... I guess I must be wishing... On someone else's star. Ethan Smock <Iamwargreymon7@nospam.aol.com> Palmyra, PA USA - Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 22:29:45 (EDT) I wish I may, I wish I might, be taken on a digi-flight... to never return to this hateful place, but live in the digital space... with my digimon as an only friend, my new life I will begin... my new found friend never taken, or our friendship ever forsaken... his protection from harm I will accept, and to him I am in total dept... and although it is not always spoken, the life he spares is his wondrous token...with all of this that has been said, may I rest my weary head...when the daylight from the moring sun apears, I will be gone, my wish comes near. Ethan Smock <Iamwargreymon7@nospam.aol.com> Palmyra, PA USA - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 01:25:10 (EDT) Let us turn once more to the Harvest, Let us ponder more upon the riches provided to our family. Truly may we know of our Blessings. Cob Somewhere, On The Web - Friday, September 21, 2001 at 21:50:19 (EDT) Cob <Cob> Somewhere, On The Web - Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 13:19:15 (EDT) As our world contemplates revenge, let us remember that the results of evil last six generations, and the results of good last forever. May we minimize the existance of evil and maximize the existance of good in our response. aangelis <aangelis7@nospam.yahoo.com> VA US - Wednesday, September 12, 2001 at 13:23:58 (EDT) I wish for Amy to have health and happiness Mitch <handsomea@nospam.hotmail.com> Corpus christi , TX USA - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 23:35:14 (EDT) We also hope they all know they are loved. You are. Wisher <Wisher> - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 13:53:03 (EDT) I wish I may I wish I might Share a wish With one this night The Wish Maker <yes@nospam.maybe.com> MysticalMagical, OZ YellowBrickRoad - Saturday, September 08, 2001 at 00:16:23 (EDT) I wish that Mark would contact me Liz - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 05:41:34 (EDT) May he comes to the realisation he holds my heart in his hands - only he can make it whole again. scoose <thewolf@nospam.freeuk.co.uk> - Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 05:00:30 (EDT) I wish for moments of tranquility and blind courage Lexxy - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 16:11:55 (EDT) Blessings to all that I celebrated solstice with, and blessings to me, too! aangelis7 <aangelis7@nospam.yahoo.com> Sterling, VA - Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 17:24:11 (EDT) May all my stories and all the stories that touch mine come out with the best possible resolution. May I always Know my True Love and may he always Know Me. Aangelis <Aangelis7@nospam.yahoo.com> - Friday, June 22, 2001 at 12:00:17 (EDT) I wish that my mom's coworker, Angie, does not say ANYTHING to my mom about seeing me and Tim at the Carnival. And I hope she doesn't tell anyone else that can tell my mom. Christine <cttncndy20@nospam.yahoo.com> - Saturday, May 12, 2001 at 22:39:22 (EDT) i wish for pavlo pavlidis to love me and come back to me katerina protouli <ep196@nospam.hotmail.com> Salonika, Greece - Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 07:10:29 (EDT) I wish every life on the planet could be loved and love. Every creature deserves and needs this feeling. Shundahai~~peace and harmony with all creation. Brenda <Hyphenbird@nospam.webtv.net> Hickory, NC USA - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 11:47:47 (EDT) All Beings Rejoice For Comes Again the Spring! cob <Cob> Somewhere, On The Web - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 01:07:34 (EST) See Angel Island Adventure Giving Help, Giving Hope San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 01:59:01 (EST) I WHIS THE BOSS OF EARLY LIGHT WILL INCREASE THE SALARYS OF ALL THE EMPLOYEES THIS YEAR. Jacky yin SZ, - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 08:23:32 (EST) I have a very special wish for my friend Paul, May the Lord help to find a cure, so he could regain his health !!! Anne-Marie <Anne-Marie136@nospam.excite.com> Canada - Sunday, March 04, 2001 at 14:42:36 (EST) I wish insurance companies paid out on the true worth of cars to what they mean to their owners!!! maralyn <maralynd@nospam.talk21.com> - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 15:38:05 (EST) I wish the world would be at peace and that there would be an end to suffering. Colleen Boden <colbod@nospam.excite.com> Cape Town , South Africa - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 15:39:45 (EST) The Light returns once more. cob <Cob> Somewhere, On The Web - Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 12:24:34 (EST) I wish for all our angels to protect the Earth and send it all their energy, and for all our people to live as one. Karen Ca. U.S.A. - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 02:18:10 (EST) I wish happiness and a good life together for David & Tracey Alice - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 12:46:32 (EST) all that thou needest all that thou dost desire all that will be good for thee in plenty and in peace harming thereby none i do wish for thee in Light - Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 23:10:15 (EST) magpy - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 00:00:57 (EST) I wish that I were able to accept more "On Faith"... Airleis <Airleis> - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 12:28:11 (EDT) i wish i never wore glasses. Greg Elliott <cordell_ranger_2002@nospam.yahoo.com> pavilion, New York USA - Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 14:25:46 (EDT) I wish comfort, health, brightness of spirit and knowledge that all things will be well. daeb - Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 12:16:32 (EDT) Thank you for granting some of my wishes. You have given me Hope. magpy - Wednesday, Septemno-one, so may it be. dae - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 23:24:16 (EDT) i wish that promises made had meant something d - Friday, August 25, 2000 at 04:23:56 (EDT) so Many good wishes here, wish you all have them granted in the soonest possible time Maralyn - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 20:09:14 (EDT) Joy in Life Comfort when and as needed Cob On The Web - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 21:55:44 (EDT) I wish for myself to be well again--no hurt no harm to anyone webmiss - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 21:33:03 (EDT) I wish that lots of new poets writers and musicians will be discovered and become famous because of my internet radio show! And that more of them will find the courage the finally act upon their dream... Claude Gagne <webmaster@nospam.klod.zzn.com> Parry Sound, ont Canada - Friday, August 11, 2000 at 21:52:10 (EDT) Comfort, healing and strength to Joy and to Joy's friends and family. Cob On, The Web - Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 02:08:52 (EDT) I would like to make a wish for my housemates daugther Joy. She is really sick with a brain tremor. She would like to go see Britney Spears Concert in Vancouver. Marteen <Marteenq@nospam.aol.com> Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 01:42:54 (EDT) wishing, trusting that what is best for all is what will be done, no hurt and harming none pixilated <Pixilated> somewhere, on the web - Sunday, August 06, 2000 at 02:10:37 (EDT) Wishing all that desires that harm none come true. And may your Pomegranates always be plentiful. Scott <scott@nospam.wishfaery.com> Somewhere on the web, CA - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 10:43:55 (EDT) I wish my friend would forgive me. I miss my friend. I hope to be a better friend in the future. Thanh - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 12:52:34 (EDT) my brother will meet the right doctor to cure his illness. tgh <gtan99@nospam.pd.jaring.my> kulim, malaysia - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 12:01:03 (EDT) I wish for everyone the bounty that Nature hath provided our family this year - all good intended, harming none Dawn <Dawn> Somewhere, On The Web - Saturday, July 01, 2000 at 14:51:03 (EDT) I wish for a cure No hurt No harm to anyone d - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 01:22:21 (EDT) I wish for happiness, health and success! Meena Ghiassy Hayward, CA USA - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 20:07:27 (EDT) I wish there were something I could do to ease the pain, and help the memories along. wisher2 <Wisher> - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 22:45:39 (EDT) Kevin's friend, having so wished, deserves to find happiness as well. So may it be. Cob Somewhere, On The Web - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 02:20:55 (EDT) I wish somehow Kevin would find happiness. Kevin's friend CA USA - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 18:16:51 (EDT) :::clicking her heels together in those red sparkly shoes, she says:::: N?l aon tint?an mar do thint?an f?in eld - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 20:27:16 (EDT) I wish the pain would go away - no hurt, no harm to anyone me - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 12:26:06 (EDT) I wish that the man I love would love me,I also wish that everyone was as fortunate as I and only had the love of another to wish for. jane doe - Saturday, April 29, 2000 at 07:13:14 (EDT) i wish i can have da exact change for everything in my pockte Bunnie <fullyloadedbunnie@nospam.hotmail.com> - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 22:59:24 (EDT) i wish dat sumone dat i love very much would respect me more not telling - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 22:57:58 (EDT) I wish that every wish will come true. Never crush a flower of hope. Only God knows how many apples grow from one seed. Cheryl - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 21:02:24 (EDT) I wish for love. I met this man two years ago, he looked like Peter Cetera. I wish that we fall in love together. Lisa A. Grillo <grillol@nospam.sprint.ca> Boucherville, Qu Canada - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 17:22:29 (EDT) Really enjoy this site. Lisa Grillo <grillol@nospam.sprint.ca> Boucherville, Qe Canada - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 17:19:20 (EDT) Healing, strength, and peace. Cob On, The Web - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 23:59:35 (EDT) i wish my brother will get well after treatment next week.thanks. peter <pete_ta@nospam.yahoo.com> kulim, malaysia - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 12:34:02 (EDT) i wish i have alot of money to send my family to disneyland. mary neeveacheak <maryneel@nospam.excite.com> taloyoak, nwt canada - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 21:22:44 (EDT) I really wished that she would love me, as much as my love for her. And to be together forever. Loner - Tuesday, April 04, 2000 at 12:40:12 (EDT) I wish esther Wong shaojaen and I will become lovers, forever. Because I love her very much. very very much Tei chin hian <zerofear@nospam.cyberway.com.sg> singapore, Singapore - Tuesday, April 04, 2000 at 12:37:50 (EDT) It is a selfish wish, but I wish I had all the money needed for the expenses of our upcoming May 20,2000 wedding. Shelley Priser <dshelleys@nospam.prodigy.net> - Monday, March 27, 2000 at 23:53:04 (EST) Most things are within thy power, mortal. Try what thou wouldst and see what shall occur. One is never lost until one gives up. Cob On, The Web - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 22:58:46 (EST) Be that I could change what was for what is now. Thou wouldst have pomegranates the rest of your life. If only wishing could make it so. Sorry means so little for the hurt I have caused. If all the world and love were fair anywhere, with you - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 17:07:13 (EST) I hope that the sword Excaliber within the castle walls holds powerful magic. Me - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 00:51:59 (EST) hope you can make my wish come true:-) mina <deianera@nospam.msn.com> coloradosprings, co - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 01:50:47 (EST) I wish for peace, love and kindness in the world. Angel <bernstel@nospam.execulink.com> Woodstock, Ontario Canada - Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 23:34:57 (EST) I wish for peace, love and kindness in the world. Angel <bernstel@nospam.execulinl.com> Woodstock, Ontario Canada - Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 23:34:06 (EST) I wish for my life to be filled with the love and laughter that only music can bring J - Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 19:48:06 (EST) i wish all will be well mary - Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 11:36:55 (EST) I wish that things would work out well for you, that all things will be as you need them to be for your best development, no hurt, no harm to anyone... me <d@nospam.wishfaery.com> - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 22:28:09 (EST) I wish you sweet dreams, my love, and may they be of me. Wishing Woman - Wednesday, September 01, 1999 at 23:48:09 (EDT) me for you and you with me that's the way it's supposed to be Wishing a LOT of things - Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 23:28:38 (EDT) For the wheels to remain true on their concrete path, hurtling the owlish self to horizons unseen and realizations yet to be known. The wings are healing, let me fly. an owl <owl@nospam.unearthly.net> Heat & Humidity, - Monday, August 16, 1999 at 01:01:48 (EDT) My heart shall be thy garden. Come, my own, Into thy garden; thine be happy hours Among my fairest thoughts, my tallest flowers, From root to crowning petal thine alone. gardener USA - Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 23:59:56 (EDT) early light I wish I could see the mornings' light with you. wishing you were here - Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 23:06:06 (EDT) Oh wish fountain... you know the secret wish of my heart... an that it hurt no one, so may it be... Wisher - Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 20:11:55 (EDT)
Thank you EarlyLight for providing this opportunity to wish.